Nobody want to do ( All 1 )

make a webcomic or webtoon

Nobody's experience ( All 5 )

about question
Ok, so we all know that in the past few years, Korean webcomics have become front and center (at least on this website), but it hasn’t always been so. I’ve never placed much importance in what I read as long as I liked the story and the art, but mostly I read manga. In terms of spellings and pronunciations, Japanese names are fairly straightf......   2 reply
17 11,2024
about question
I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, so I’m not trying to upload Guiding hazard chapters in the Guiding hazard page. The official translation is 5 or 6 chapters behind the Korean version so I decided to do a quick scanlation of the Korean chapters. I used Google translate so things might not be accurate, but this is just to hold you over u......   1 reply
04 02,2024
I have. Ever since I was 4, I've been traveling to Mexico almost every year. I've also been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France. Last year I really wanted to go to Russia for the World Cup, but alas, the US team didn't make it I would love to travel to other countries. Next on my list is Japan.   2 reply
16 05,2019
03 09,2018
I’ve been going to anime expo every year since 2012 and to Sacanime since 2015. This year I also went to Animanga in Pomona. I also went to WonderCon, Comic-Com, and going to Comikaze in October. I usually go to those cons every year This year I will be going to 7 cons.   reply
03 09,2018
I own a bunch, and I have a few pre-ordered. To list a few: Itachi, Sasuke, Shinji & Kaworu, Lelouch, Riku from Kingdom Hearts Bakura, Natsume, Syaoran, Yoko Kurama Human Kurama Vincent from FF7 Ichigo Rukia Byakuya Sesshomaru Levi Eren Matoba Natori Winter Soldier Spider-Man Kenshin Sanji And I've pre-ordered another Lelouch, Yuri......   1 reply
02 06,2017

Nobody's answer ( All 334 )

about question
Extreme lightweights. Like you seriously completely lose your inhibitions with one sip or even worse, a whiff of alcohol? I don’t really drink, but I find that trope so annoying. Make these characters have a little tolerance and make it believable.   2 reply
1 days
about question
Why would I read something that makes me uncomfortable? I like BL, but I won’t read something just because it’s a BL. Read what you like, and if it makes you uncomfortable, know your limits and when to stop.   reply
1 days
about question
I find the “go back to the kitchen” insult stupid because most chefs are what? Guys. They obviously had to spend time in the kitchen to get to where they are. Besides Rachel Ray and Paula Dean, I can’t think of other female chefs, but I can name a few more guy chefs like Gordon Ramsey, Guy Fieri, Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, etc etc. H......   reply
1 days
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I’m not even sure this f*cker will even make an appearance in the comic, but I have never hated a “love” interest as much as this one. It’s Richard from Diaphonic Symphony (Passion sequel).   reply
7 days
about question
I started a little late. I was 17 and some girl brought a volume of Fake to art class and I saw 2 guys kissing. The first complete BL I read was Eerie Queerie. I can’t remember which one was the first very graphic one I read, though.   1 reply
11 days

Nobody's question ( All 17 )

about question
What are the series you read that are considered “bad” by most, yet you enjoy?
9 days
about question
Lately there has been an uptick in uncensored releases.
Personally I prefer uncensored, but there are still many that aren’t being released uncensored, so I got to thinking, which series would you like to see released uncensored?

My list:

*Guiding Hazard
*Nerd Project
*The Beast must die (I have the official German release uncensored, but I can’t read German, so I’d like the English release to become uncensored.).
*Passion (I have the official Taiwanese release uncensored, but I can’t read Chinese, so I’d like the English release to become uncensored.).
*Codename Anastasia ( the novels have some very spicy scenes, and from what I’ve seen the comic is not uncensored.)

*Most black and white series. Since the images are b/w and the naughty bits are white, they literally get lost. I wouldn’t mind if they were semi-censored, like some manga where the naughty bits are shown in some kind of crosshatch design, or with those black bars. Anything but absolute white.
24 01,2025
about question
I’ve been wondering how are all these BL bottoms walking around like nothing after some hours-long intense sex?

Sometimes I’ll sleep wrong, or cough the wrong way or sit funny and cause my lower back to hurt and it’s uncomfortable and sometimes I can barely stand, yet these characters talk about how much it hurts, then next thing you know they’re freaking running like it’s nothing.

Their resilience amazes me.
09 01,2025
Sometimes it happens that I’ll be watching something or reading something and I just become invested in the couple.
Like I find them super cute and don’t get tired of them.

So, who are your favorite couples?
They can be from any media (books, comics, live action, movies, heck even a celebrity couple).

Here are mine:

Ceylin & Ilgaz from Yargı (Turkish series)
Manelik & Kelvin from La Casa de los Famosos (A Big Brother type of reality show)
Albus & Scorpius from HP and the Cursed Child ( Harry Potter play)
Ilay & Tae from Passion (webcomic)
21 04,2024
about draw yaoi
So, I don’t like babies/kids and avoid stories with them like a plague. Most of the time they kids are portrayed as insufferable, thus making whatever I’m reading/watching not enjoyable, but I found myself being pulled in by Our Sunny Days, even when there is a baby present.

As of right now I’m not bothered by the baby in Our Sunny Days because she’s literally just there. She isn’t being a hindrance.

It got me thinking, what is the one series you didn’t think you’d read or enjoy because it’s not something you usually read and you ended up liking/enjoying?
15 11,2023