Nobody want to do ( All 1 )

make a webcomic or webtoon

Nobody's experience ( All 4 )

about question
I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, so I’m not trying to upload Guiding hazard chapters in the Guiding hazard page. The official translation is 5 or 6 chapters behind the Korean version so I decided to do a quick scanlation of the Korean chapters. I used Google translate so things might not be accurate, but this is just to hold you over u......   1 reply
04 02,2024
I have. Ever since I was 4, I've been traveling to Mexico almost every year. I've also been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France. Last year I really wanted to go to Russia for the World Cup, but alas, the US team didn't make it I would love to travel to other countries. Next on my list is Japan.   2 reply
16 05,2019
03 09,2018
I’ve been going to anime expo every year since 2012 and to Sacanime since 2015. This year I also went to Animanga in Pomona. I also went to WonderCon, Comic-Com, and going to Comikaze in October. I usually go to those cons every year This year I will be going to 7 cons.   reply
03 09,2018
I own a bunch, and I have a few pre-ordered. To list a few: Itachi, Sasuke, Shinji & Kaworu, Lelouch, Riku from Kingdom Hearts Bakura, Natsume, Syaoran, Yoko Kurama Human Kurama Vincent from FF7 Ichigo Rukia Byakuya Sesshomaru Levi Eren Matoba Natori Winter Soldier Spider-Man Kenshin Sanji And I've pre-ordered another Lelouch, Yuri......   1 reply
02 06,2017

Nobody's answer ( All 275 )

about question
Definitely I will never read Kiraide Isasete. I see it pop up a lot and I am a bit curious, but it’s also full of kids (i think the couple has 3?) and I don’t care for kids in my stories. I understand the first kid was a product of rape, but the characters are like 23 and they have two more kids I believe. I don’t know the reasoning for the ......   reply
1 days
about question
No and no. I always knew I never want kids, but I was iffy about the whole marriage thing, but now that I’m older, I’ve realized that I don’t care for romance so no marriage for me.   reply
2 days
about question
I feel with the amount of comments I see comparing the 3 MLs I’d say the big 3 currently are: Passion Roses & Champagne Codename: Anastasia   1 reply
6 days
1) What is up with people’s obsession with babies? No I don’t want to see mpreg, I will drop that s*it immediately. I don’t care how hot the couple is, no I still don’t want to see your kids. 2) Kids. They’re usually a nuisance in the story, usually they do something stupid when trying to be “helpful” and end up complicating things. ......   3 reply
6 days
about question
Lapsed Catholic here. Grew up in a Catholic household, but not a super religious one, even if we went to mass on Sundays and i have all my sacraments, but the way I’ve always interpreted the Bible verse about not laying with a man as you would a woman is that you can love whoever, sex is the sin, and since pretty much sex is a sin anyway, then th......   reply
9 days

Nobody's question ( All 14 )

Sometimes it happens that I’ll be watching something or reading something and I just become invested in the couple.
Like I find them super cute and don’t get tired of them.

So, who are your favorite couples?
They can be from any media (books, comics, live action, movies, heck even a celebrity couple).

Here are mine:

Ceylin & Ilgaz from Yargı (Turkish series)
Manelik & Kelvin from La Casa de los Famosos (A Big Brother type of reality show)
Albus & Scorpius from HP and the Cursed Child ( Harry Potter play)
Ilay & Tae from Passion (webcomic)
21 04,2024
about draw yaoi
So, I don’t like babies/kids and avoid stories with them like a plague. Most of the time they kids are portrayed as insufferable, thus making whatever I’m reading/watching not enjoyable, but I found myself being pulled in by Our Sunny Days, even when there is a baby present.

As of right now I’m not bothered by the baby in Our Sunny Days because she’s literally just there. She isn’t being a hindrance.

It got me thinking, what is the one series you didn’t think you’d read or enjoy because it’s not something you usually read and you ended up liking/enjoying?
15 11,2023
I personally prefer anything uncensored or only mildly censored. Not a fan of lightsabers, but when it’s a colored comic, at least you can differentiate what’s what, but in black and white, there have been many times when there is nothing there.

I don’t get people who prefer censored, like what is the point of reading porn then?

And no, I don’t particularly find dicks appealing, but I do prefer having uncensored sex scenes in my porn.

So censored or uncensored?
30 10,2023
25 10,2023
Reading all the comments on Jinx has given me so many topic ideas, and I’m curious to know some of your thoughts and opinions about redemption.

I see a lot of people saying ML is beyond redemption or that even with a redemption arc, they still won’t forgive him. I get that, and I don’t read Jinx, so I don’t have strong feelings one way or another.

Anyway, it got me thinking, a while back I watched a Turkish dizi called Istanbullu Gelin, and in that series, the main character’s best friend marries a guy that has lots of issues. He has anger management issues and one time he beat her silly. She eventually convinces him to seek therapy and he starts going, but initially he’s not taking it seriously. His wife finally divorces him, but she’s pregnant so he’s not completely out of her life. Long story short, in the end he continues going to therapy and redeems himself, but she doesn’t get back with him. Both of them moved on and were better partners to their new loves due to their past relationship.

I liked that resolution. A character was redeemed and part of that redemption was due to a love interest, but in the end they had hurt each other too much to function as a couple.

Seeing as most stories have redemption arcs that end up with the original couples, would you prefer to read more stories where a horrible character initially starts their redemption arc due to their current love interest, but in the end they each find new loves? Or keep the status quo and have a “love conquers all” type story?

Like I said, I don’t read Jinx, but from what I can see in the comments I think something like ML realizing he’s been shit and starting his redemption due to his feelings for MC, but then in the end after all he’s done to MC each of them finding new loves would work better. You can forgive someone and still not want a romantic relationship with them anymore.

Especially when many times a potential second love interest is introduced, and usually that second love would be a better choice anyway.

25 10,2023
I got the idea for this question since I’ve been reading so many comments on Jinx.
To be clear, I’ve never read the series, so I cannot make any informed opinions on it, but it did give me the idea to ask, who has been the worst, most toxic love interest you’ve ever seen?

Originally I was going to leave it as only the worst ML in BL, but decided to open the question to any love interest.

Additionally, only characters that are supposed to be taken seriously as love interests.
What I mean is, for example I don’t think Killing Stalking or Placebo are supposed to be considered romances.

Now, for the worst love interest I’ve ever encountered in any story, hands down it has to be Richard Tarten from the Passion sequel. This character is nasty, and the romance pissed me off to no end. If anyone has read the novels, I think many would agree.
24 10,2023

People are doing

want to do being in a wlw relationship

I want to eat a girl for Lunch

34 seconds
did being in a wlw relationship

being in a codependent wlw relationship is NAWT for the weak guys.

7 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

was one of those ppl who said "i will never experience that first wlw heartbreak" LMAO guess who's suffering now

13 hours