Nobody answered question about question
Oh ma, there’s a few. Drug & Drop- I was done with CLAMP after this. They keep working on other stuff, so it’s not like they can’t work on this one, they just don’t want to. They should have left it for dead when it first went on hiatus and it was still called Legal Drug. Stakeout- The season ended ok, with a mild conclusion, but it woul......
Nobody answered question about question
My gut feeling. There have been a few where I started reading, but something in the pit of my stomach felt off until i eventually i just drop it.
Nobody answered question about question
Back when I was in college a while back I wrote a paper on abortion and religion and focused on the 4 major religions (Catholic, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim) and pretty much what I found out was that they all agreed that the life of the mother was more important then the unborn. So those crazies arguing that “life starts at conception “ haven’t ......
Nobody answered question about question
I’ve been reading for a loooong time. I remember back i the day when there was a real divide between manga and all other readers (people who preferred manwha or manhua), but then all of a sudden webcomics snuck in and took the world by storm. I’ll read whatever catches my fancy and if the art matches, then even better. I can’t say I have a p......
Nobody answered question about question
Finally getting my $hit together and taking up a new language. Seriously looking into going back to school for another bachelors or maybe an associate degree on the side. Eating healthier and moving more. You know, the basics.
Nobody created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Is this supposed to take place in real time?
Cus if it is, then that makes Seong-rok 45 years old, I don’t think he’s supposed to be 45, right?

Nobody answered question about question
I wouldn’t care if they changed yo the characters as long as they were more díverse. The thing is that they’re not. They aren’t making previously white-looking characters into Asians, Hispanics or Middle Eastern, they’re only switching from white to black. You can argue that’s because you can have a white and a black person with a last n......
Nobody created a topic of Corrosive

I had a theory that Seonho was going to be the type of character who stays quiet when he needs to speak up.
So he didn’t need to be unnecessarily hurt the first time he had sex with Won if he’d actually answered the question.
Won is a child in an adult body, so he “listens” if you talk to him.
Seonho should be using that to his advantage instead of caving in to his yandere “friend”.
His life might just be easier if he did that.

Nobody created a topic of Desire

The characters on the cover look like an inverted version of Jaeshin and Nok.(Long haired character looks softer and top-knot character looks more mature).

Nobody created a topic of Rainbow Donut

Completely missed the fact that it’s not blondie on the cover…hopefully he’s just a f*ck buddy with no strings attached so that when black haired dude ends up with the doctor there’s no additional unnecessary drama, but who am I kidding? Blondie will most definitely be the third wheel…ugh…people can be friends with benefits w/o strings attached, d*mnit!
I’m not sure I want to become invested in this, especially cus from the bit we saw of blondie, he seems like an ok character (likable).

Nobody asked a question

I own it, but it’s been put away, so I can’t verify the title.
I could have sworn it’s called “My education as a vampire”.
It’s about a vampire who cuts hair.
It’s an older MANGA, like early 2000’s.
Anyone know the name?

Nobody created a topic of Shutline

I’ve been checking raws and it hasn’t dropped. Was it in hiatus this time?

Nobody answered question about discord server
For me that story is Bleach. I read all of it, no matter how much people hated on it, I still liked it, then I come to the last chapter, there’s a time skip, I see kids, and my brain starts going “oh no, oh no, don’t tell me…” then I click next and I’m hit in the face with Orihime. To me, that romance came out of nowhere. I was never......
Nobody answered question about question
Mid-Late 90’s G- Gundam 8th MS Team Early 2000’s) Gungrave Noein Trinity Blood Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Gad Guard Last Exile Zoids Chaotic Century Zoids New Century Zero 2010’s 91 Days Yuri on Ice Tiger and Bunny Erased
Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Here chapter 41 to tide us over until the officials catch up.
Why do I get the feeling this is not going to be a long series?