Nobody answered question about question
Hmm…right now, the one that comes to mind is Seo Eunsung from Guiding Hazard.
Nobody created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Haven’t really read this one, but I see the ML’s for this, Passion and Codename Anastasia compared all the time.
I’ve read the novels for both Passion and Codename Anastasia and both couples end up having cute moments at some point.
I’ve read some spoilers of some of the things Caesar does, and he seems more unhinged than Ilay or Zhenya, so I’m just wondering, to anyone that’s read the novel for Roses and Champagne, do Lee Won and Caesar eventually get to the point where they become a cutesy couple?

Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I’ve been doing quick translations of the chapters to tide us over until the officials catch up, but I’ve been dying to talk about the recent chapters, so here are some spoilers.

Remember when Taegun found out he did in fact crack Eunsung’s ribs and Eunsung told him to grant him a wish?

Well in chapter 36 they go out for dinner and Taegun goes all out. He rented out a whole restaurant (BTW, Eunsung is treating it as a date, pretty much). While eating Taegun notices Eunsung’s heartbeat, and wonders what’s that’s about.
After dinner Taegun takes Eunsung sightseeing.
While sightseeing, Eunsung keeps sneaking glances at Taegun and since Taegun was carrying a blue bouquet he thinks that Eunsung really like blue and gives the bouquet to him which makes him blush and once again Taegun notices his heartbeat.
This bothers Taegun as he starts to think that maybe Eunsung likes him and he never want to get entangled in romantic shenanigans again.

Chapters 36 & 37 were cute and 38 is a bit bittersweet.
Due to his trauma, Taegun doesn’t want to deal with love, so his disappointment isn’t because he doesn’t like Eunsung, but more because he doesn’t want to like him (currently as a person. I don’t think Taegun has started thinking of Eunsung in a romantic way).

Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

When I first read the raws.

Jaeha is a major creep and the artist/author is not trying to hide that fact.
I get the feeling he’s going to be the major villain this season, I just hope he doesn’t get his paws on either Taegun or Eunsung, with that mind altering power of his.

Actually, I was slightly worried that the things happening in chapter 36 were not really Taegun, but Jaeha making Eunsung believe it was Taegun, but I was proven wrong, it really was Taegun so I could breathe somewhat easier.

Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Ok, so I finished chapter 38.

After 2 cute chapters, it looks like we might be getting some drama.

I kinda figured Taegun would react somewhat like how it’s pointing, but who knows. I think Jaeha being a creep will make Taegun accept Eunsung completely.

Here’s the link:

Nobody created a topic of Codename Anastasia

So, for the ones who’ve read the novels,

In the first series, I’ve always been a bit confused because Zhenya tells Taekjoo that “he wanted him first” and even Taekjoo was like “wtf? When?”

In the second series, we finally found out when this happened. What Zhenya was referring to when he said that Taekjoo wanted him first was that Taekjoo accepted him as his partner when they first met because up until then, Taekjoo worked solo.

Anyway, the second set of novels just came out in August, and it answers a few questions.

Spoilers for the second series:

Volume 1:
Taekjoo has a mission in Cuba that goes awry and he ends up being rescued by Zhenya and a Mexican narc named Matias. Once he gets home the higher ups question his relationship with Zhenya.

Volume 2:
Russia and North Korea are up to no good, and since Zhenya is the Russian ambassador in Korea and the son of a very influential family in Russia with close ties to the government, Taekjoo doesn’t want him interfering because he doesn’t want Zhenya to get in trouble. While in a mission in Russia, he’s working with 2 other agents and there’s an explosion. Taekjoo is saved by Zhenya, but since he’s the only one who came out alive, there’s suspicions. Taekjoo is mad that Zhenya interfered and leaves him behind in this island. He wants to prove to the higher ups his and Zhenya’s innocence, so he takes up a mission in Iran (which is a continuation of what he was doing in Russia.). Before leaving to Iran, he contacts Zhenya and tells him to not go look for him and that he’ll be back to get him when it’s all over because there’s something he needs to tell him. As much as he doesn’t want to, Zhenya complies, but when he tries to track his location he gets an error message. Sometime before he’d implanted a microchip in Taekjoo to track his location, and it worked based on the person’s vital signs. There’s news that Taekjoo might have died in a terrorist attack while in his mission in Iran, but at least his mission was successful.

Volume 3:
Zhenya goes to Iran to identify the body said to be Taekjoo’s. He’s accompanied by Jong-woo. After seeing the body, he determines it’s not Taekjoo and goes on a wild goose chase to find him. Unbeknownst to anybody, Taekjoo was arrested and is being tortured in an Iranian prison. Before the explosion he bumped into one of Zhenya’s brothers and saved him, so the brother is in an Iranian hospital when Zhenya comes to asks if he knows anything about Taekjoo’s whereabouts. In prison, Taekjoo is being SA’d, but uses his abuser’s lust to overpower him and escape. While he’s escaping Zhenya and Jong-woo arrive at the jail and they miss each other. He makes his way to Turkey where he bumps into Matias, who immediately recognizes him, but Taekjoo has lost his memories ans doesn’t recognize him but allows him to help him. Zhenya eventually makes his way to Matias’ place, but he misses Taekjoo again. Earlier Taekjoo had remembered his mom ans cslled her and she mentioned “the Russian ambassador”, but he was unable to look him up on his phone so he went to the city when Zhenya came. Eventually, Zhenya returns to Matias’ place and even though he can’t remember him, somehow he feels he can trust him and goes with him.

Volume 4:
Zhenya tries to be all lovey-doves, but Taekjoo is like “get the f*uk away from me.” Zhenya is angry and hurt that Taekjoo forgot him. He does remember Jongwoo, though. Eventually Olga makes an appearance and calls a psychologist over who explains to them what’s happening and how to go about it. Later, while in the pool, Olga drops the bombshell that Taekjoo and Zhenya were lovers. Both Jongwoo and Taekjoo are surprised by that bombshell. Throughout his interactions with Zhenya, Taekjoo couldn’t understand how he came to be “friends” with someone as abrasive as Zhenya, so he definitely could have never imagined he was actually not a friend, but a lover. Olga advises Zhenya not to push Taekjoo too hard and to try to make him fall for him again. Jongwoo had tried to contact headquarters to let them know that he’d found Taekjoo, but Zhenya broke his phone. Later they all go on a yatch trip, and Olga and Jongwoo plan to get off the yatch so Jongwoo can contact headquarters. They stay alone on the yatch, and Taekjoo is trying to be a lover to Zhenya. Things heat up, but right as they’re about to go all the way, Taekjoo has flashbacks of his abuse in jail and has a crisis. Back at the villa, Zhenya overhears Jongwoo and Olga talking about contacting headquarters. He freaks out and attacks them, but then he hears Taekjoo calling out to him. He goes to him and Taekjoo asks him to take him somewhere quiet, so they end up on his private island. They spend their days just being domestic and since he can’t remember his past self, he’s a sweeter lover. Eventually they go all the way, but that also awakens some memories from the past.

Volume 5:
After having sex, Taekjoo remembers all the bad memories and concludes that he must’ve just given up and that’s why he ended up becoming Zhenya’s “lover”. All throughout their stay in the island, Zhenya had had that nagging feeling of what would happen if Taekjoo only remembered the bad stuff. Taekjoo tied up Zhenya and basically denies their history. Since he can only remember the bad stuff, he can’t fathom how he could fall in love with him and even asks Zhenya if he’s ever said “I love you” to him, to which Zhenya thinks that neither have said so, but they were still lovers regardless. Taekjoo leaves him there and finally makes his way back to Korea. Once home, he finds his phone and as he browsed through it he found many many pictures of his love story with Zhenya. He finally remembers everything and decides to go look for Zhenya. Before going to Iran he’d told him to wait for him until he went to get him, so that’s what he’s planning on doing. Before this though, he had wanted to quit his job as an agent, but now he requested to remain “dead”. When agents died, their demise was never made public, nobody even knew they existed, so he wanted his existence to be completely wiped out. He asked Olga for help in reaching Zhenya, so he took her helicopter to his island, but the island is like a fortress. Zhenya won’t let anyone in. He is attacked by the island’s defense mechanism, but manages to send a Morse code message hoping Zhenya would recognize it. He does, but the misile had already been launched and still hit the helicopter. He thinks he’s killed Taekjoo and is about to shoot himself when he hears a faint sound. He goes to find Taekjoo who’s unconscious. When he recovers consciousness, Taekjoo tells him he loves him. They reconcile, have sex, get attacked, someone attacked the Kremlin, Zhenya’s brother kills the president, and Taekjoo and Zhenya travel the world. They do a quick pit stop at Nahyun’s wedding. They didn’t meet in person, but Taekjoo signed the guest book. Zhenya’s brother becomes president. They eventually return to Korea where they spend time with Taekjoo’s mom, Olga and Jongwoo. The story ends in the cemetery, in front of the tomb of Taekjoo’s dad. Zhenya asks him if he’s sure about quitting, and Taekjoo says that if he’d never met him, he’d probably still be lost (meaning working as an agent which he came to realize was a thankless job). Hearing Taekjoo say he’s the reason why makes Zhenya lean in for a kiss. Jongwoo notices and takes Olga and Taekjoo’s mom away from them while they kiss in the sunset.

The end.

Nobody created a topic of Our Sunny Days

It seems like everything that just came back in July/August is now going on hiatus every 6 weeks.
Did all authors get together and agree they will all take hiatuses so early in the season?

Nobody answered question about question
Wearing glasses. In medía the characters wearing glasses are either not that blind without them because if they need to pretty up they just take them off like it’s no issue. At least in my case, if I were to arbitrarily remove my glasses I would end up with a headache (besides the fact that I’m terribly nearsighted). Another one with glass......
Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

And checked lezh*n and it’s on hiatus until the 26.
I don’t get it.
They’re already 5 (going on 6) chapters behind from the raws, so what’s the holdup?

Nobody answered question about question
My faves change. But I guess these are the ones that come to mind wherever this question is asked (I’m basing it on series in want merch for it I’ve bought merch for). In no particular order: Guiding hazard The beast must die Love in orbit Passion Sweet pain Limited run Shutline Hyanghyeon text Koimonogatari
Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

This chapter is cute.
We get to see Taegun in a suit, and Eunsung blushing.


Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I took a while to post this chapter.
The next 2 chapters are super cute, so I’ll try to upload within the week.

In the meantime, here’s chapter 35.
