One of my favorite series ever. I've read the novels multiple times too. Didn't care for the anime though.
I agree with most, the ending was kinda frustrating, but then again they are teenagers with communication issues. Things would have been so much better if (especially Nezumi) were to just say everything that was inside their heads.
Anyway, I don't doubt that their feelings were mutual and Inukashi did say once that Nezumi always kept his word, so in my head I'm sure he went back to Shion once he cleared his head.

Right now this is one of my faves! Super cute! I so would like this to be licensed.
Did anyone notice when Kaji hugged Souta in chapter 6, page 18, he didn't freak out even though they were in public?
I wonder if he didn't freak out because they're in London and homosexuality is more accepted in Europe?
Because when Kaji hugged him in chapter 5 in the airport he freaked out a bit.
What do you guys think?
I liked this story. Would have liked it more in Dong-young would have remained more of a tomboy. Bi-Wal fell in love with that girl, no need to make her girly, especially when it was shown she was never very fond of being girly. Anyway, I would have also liked to see more character development for Ah-hin's brother (I forgot his name right now) the side story featuring him was fun and the twin girl could have been turned into a potential romance but he never went beyond having a major sister complex. I was glad that it seemed black turtle and hell girl seemed to be heading into a romance, black turtle annoyed me there for a bit, but I think he and hell girl would have mad a good couple.