I’m not a big fan of omegaverse because of the wsy omegas are portrayed so I really like this one because it’s about 2 alphas and because most of the time I forget it’s even an omegaverse story, so, I’m hoping it doesn’t get ruined by the implication stage end of chapter 42.
The end of chapter 42 shows Scott with a pregnancy test.
I don’t like babies/kids in stories I read, so I hope this is not happening, because even if Scott is not a big player in the series, he’s featured enough to potentially be disruptive if there is a baby involved.
And for some reason I kinda like Martin and even though I don’t hate him and Scott together, a baby is just…ugh.

Personal opinion I also hate kids involvement so much scott issue hope not damage main couple in certain way but I guess Hayden is away from Scott and not even in contact now but still scott shown as potential character from the beginning but didn't expect him to become typical teenage girl who become preg I didn't expect that martin sure deserves better he is also brett friend in certain way. But then all of them are not close in first place.

Reading this and reading his inner thoughts, I thought he might be lithromantic.
Lithromantics do fall in love, but when they are reciprocated, they lose all interest. I felt like that was him.
When he says that he’s felt love, but when he thought about it, he felt nothing immediately made me think he might be lithromantic.
So, I don’t think this is such a tragic story. If he truly is lithromantic, then his feelings will eventually fizzle out.
Nice little story, though.

I mean we don’t know their full ancestry, but it doesn’t seem like they’re half Korean, so the translation keeping (or having Brett use) “hyung” is odd.

probably because in english no one calls their older brother as brother so replacing hyung with "brother" wouldnt sit right so they kept it as hyung. this is a very common thing ive noticed in manhwas with western/european setting, most of the time they keep it as it is in korean instead of replacing it with english or using just the names.

There was really no Eunsung in this chapter. After last chapter, I wanted to see more of them together.
But we do get to see a very pissed off Taegun.
Without further ado,

…touch Eunsung and you’re a dead man.
When he took off Eunsung’s mental defense so he could stay trapped in Nightmare and he overheard the other guides/espers saying that we’re gonna call Taegun, he skedaddled before he could be caught and shows that he’s afraid of Taegun.
In chapter 50, Taegun has to go rescue his sorry ass from a dungeon and he starts digging his slimy nails in. He alluded that Taegun might’ve slept around for money back in the day (at least that’s how I interpreted it. The way google translated his word was “if he knew how wore out you were.” and it shows Taegun in bed with some redhead.) then he says that Eunsung won’t be able to handle his craziness and will eventually dump him, but he can help him, which makes Taegun snaps. He tells him very menacingly that he better not dare touch Eunsung if he thinks his life is precious and that getting rid of “one of you” shouldn’t be a big deal.
Chapter ends.
I was afraid through throughout the whole chapter that Jaeha would somehow manage to touch Taegun then he’d be able to manipulate him, but luckily he didn’t touch him.
I’ll upload the chapter onto my albums either later today or no later than tomorrow.

Usually I’m not a fan of “destined” stories. The fact that they’re given no choice bothers me, but in this case I think I’m ok.
Unless the tone shifts dramatically and the whole red string shebang gets taken too seriously, it looks like a cute romance.
But…if the first quest was kisses on cheeks, and the penalty jumped straight to “penetrative sex”, what the heck are the other quests there for then?
Granted the quests are meant so they could fall in love with each other and sex does not equal love, but still they literally went to home plate and skipped all the other bases.

Originally I was a bit disappointed that after their talk they went straight to sex, but this chapter showed some progress.
Last chapter there was a random scene Taegun remembered where it showed him in bed with some unknown guy.
Also last chapter he threatened Jaeha to stay away from Eunsung.
So this chapter Taengunnis visibly shaken by his interaction with Jaeha and is unstable. There’s another flashback where he tells Jaeha “why did you do that?” And Jaeha responded with “you’re a bit boring”. That, coupled with the fact that Taegun desperately doesn’t want Eunsung to find out and even thinks “what would Eunsung think if he found out?” I get the feeling Jaeha pushed Teagun to sleep with other guys for his own amusement.
Originally from that random flashback, I thought Taegun had slept around for money at some point, but now it seems it was Jaeha that made him do it.
If true, Jaeha deserves to be eaten slowly by a dungeon monster.
I think Jaeha called Taegun a used rag in an earlier chapter...
It wouldn't surprise me if Taegun got mind-whammied to think the guy he was sleeping with was Jaeha, only to be horrified at the reality afterward. Probably more than once, given how big of a scumbag Jaeha is.
I keep forgetting what his power is. I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s a very big possibility that’s what he did. When I was translating the chapter there’s a flashback where Taegun asks him why he did that and him that he tells him he’s a bit of the boring type. The implications are terrifying but I can totally see Jaeha pulling that kind of sick move for his amusement.
He deserves to die slowly and painfully in a dungeon.
Chapter 52 just came out and yup, you got the nail on the head.
Oh damn. I was really hoping it wouldn't be. Yuck.
I’ll post some quick translations later today if you want to check out the full chapter. At least it’s out in the open now.