okay i knew what i was going in for I KNEW i was gonna get hurt at the end i knew i would be in a crying mess (and yes I WAS AND AM ) i literally had to take a break and stand up from my bed before the last chapter just to stop myself from crying... this is so depressing... and at the same time gives me so much hope to live

this was such an amazing read if you need a good cry. would i read it again? NO lmao i don't want to put myself through this suffering again

naruhoedo created a topic of Sekine-kun no Koi

the yearning is too intense I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE the details of this story are just so well written and executed... idk but reading this has left a huge impact on me IDK how to explain it but i love this so much and i'll be reading this again for sure

naruhoedo created a topic of Sekine-kun no Koi

reading this for the second time and oh god this is still the best i've ever read here

naruhoedo created a topic of Concubine Scandal


naruhoedo created a topic of Just Twilight

brown hair needs a reality check HE HAS TO GO

been laughing since earlier i love FL's courage and ambition so much she's delulu (just like me) and she's also not cringy or annoying LMAO i like the ML too and he's handsome (i understand dodam) and also jaei JAEI hello this pretty gorgeous man AND when he said 'he could at least pretend to love her — i would've been good at that' I KNEW IT WAS OVAHHHH FOR ME

been laughing since earlier i love FL's courage and ambition so much

naruhoedo created a topic of Game - Suit no Sukima

i think i've re-read this for like more than 5 times already since 2021 and i get the hate for kiriyama (i also despise annoying mls) but i can't help but like him LMAO i guess it's his pretty face but there's smth abt him that i just really like expect more frustrating moments to come I CAN'T WAIT for kiriyama to beg down on his knees and ask for sayo to bring him back lmao IM WAITING

this was so funny oh god i love the emperor so much i love them both and honestly i feel so bad for him and i hate his mother for pressuring him since he was young and even watching him during his first experience (that was so disgusting I HATE HER)

i didn't expect arabella to die like she was so cute AND SHE WAS EVERYTHING and when she finally found ariadne who would support her in her dreams that she thought would never be reachable NOW that bitch kills her oh GOD ARABELLAAAAAA BABYYYY