I’m the only one that feels that this manga doesn’t have direction anymore?like we been waiting for the big bad guy for ages...

Sanghee has no direction
does this face look like it has direction? No

Okay but why doesn’t just quit and goes to live to a farm or something? Her staying at the company just because just unnecessary to me

She has attached feeling with the previous owner of the body she is possessing ATM. She cant leave because the previous owner owes money to the company for sponsoring her and she has t ok pay all the debt for her unconscious sister... so tracking her down wont be hars due to the fact she is after all underage ╥﹏╥
I’m gonna say it i dont care about the side story of this b*tch
Oops meant to thumbs up!
My fat finger gave u a thumps down but i meant thumps up!!!! Sry