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MonaLisaKindaLISA March 8, 2025 6:30 am

I keep reading the ML’s name as “Scoundrel” for some reason. Might be because I’m sleep deprived? But how do you pronounce his name? Sour-a-del? Sou-ra-del? Help! Lol

MonaLisaKindaLISA February 27, 2025 1:30 pm

Also, as someone who usually wants two dudes to end up together in a non-BL story. This one is just not one of those. Like why would you want the duke to be with the emperor, even as a joke? Don’t do that to the duke. He didn’t do anything to be punished like that.

One father is enough, and it’s not the emperor. The only family Shuelina needs is the duke and his two brothers. The prince too, I guess. The emperor can join the empress and her “daughter”, and die for all I care.

    rororo March 5, 2025 10:09 am

    you're so real for this. like, the duke getting a husband is cool and all but not that incompetent emperor fr. he's unworthyyyyy

    Mio Ritse March 5, 2025 2:12 pm

    Haha, my yaoi filled brain was actually rooting for kai and del when they get older cause they look like they will have some adorable interactions. Mainly because its gonna be odd if kai is the love interest, but to be fair; havent seen much of them interact yet

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