I honestly didnt hate the emperor, he wasnt kind or loving. He was pragmatic and a ruler, jaylin was right, he just didnt know any better. Its sad that he came to an end like that, it was a regretful death. I honestly think too many people are giving him shit for what he did to the mc. But honestly the mc is responsible for what she did to her son, in many ways she was a worse mother than the emperor was a father. The emperor was indifferent and cold. She was caring and still chose to be cold. She knew better.
I will never forgive what she did to asceniso in their first life.
She was a horrible person, and yeah she was able to have a development and a new chance after she literally sent her son to her death. If it wasnt for the fire dude, that wouldve been the story of her son and her.
Thats why i really wish the emperor would've gotten at least one moment where they would've realized he wasnt born a monster, he was made to be an emperor.
Its such a sad ending to him, would've really wanted a single moment between him and his son.
I just dont get it, why is it that every reincarnated story of a female mc who tries to win over her father's affection, and eventually does, suddenly turns into a game of favoritism. Like why do all the fathers practically hate their sons or just outright forget they have another child outside of their mc daughter?
Why is the mother always dead or out of the picture? Like it's so weird that there are so many father daughter relationship manhwas. And the majority are so unrealistic too. Should we be worried about this?
Just why is it that the majority of relationships in Korean manhwas often feel so surface level? I can't pinpoint what it is but something about the relationships between the characters are practically non existing. Like there's hardly any developments between two friends or something that makes it relatable. It's like the mc of their stories are mostly just always in their harem, where they are constantly being idolised by everyone around them, which are also considered their friends or family. Like it seems that normal friendship or family relationships just don't really exist in these manhwas. Why??
nahh I totally agree w youu
I think the manhwas with unrealistic father daughter relationships are made for girls/women who have or had a strained relationship with their own father. They might use the fiction as "this is how it could have been".
Though I don't understand why it's always the dad, I feel like have never ever seen a mother daughter focused manhwa/manga in the isekai genre.
I think the relationships in the reincarnation manhwas are surface level for the most part because they recycle, reuse the same old tropes, cuz they know that will get them readers. Idk if they just don't know how write good chemistry (and not just you're hot and I'm hot so we are in love), or they just don't care.
( ̄∇ ̄")
My guess is:
In a nutshell, a young daughter = opportunity for cute child behaviour and appeals to the readers' maternal affection; a young-ish father = opportunity for a hot guy and appeals to the readers' wish for husbando. Pair those two together and you get a winning formula for readers who want something fluffy and not too plot-heavy.
Biological mother-daughter relationships therefore won't really cut it for this particular target demographic. I've seen stepmother-child (of both genders) stories, but these are all accompanied by the father of the child being in the picture too.
Daughters are also preferred because they're more relatable to the particular target demographic. Self-insert time*! You'll notice that in the father-daughter manhwas, the daughter is always the pov character. In stepmother-child manhwas where the gender of the child doesn't matter, the stepmother is always the pov character.
*I don't believe readers always self-insert themselves into these father-daughter relationships. But predominantly-female-oriented works (that are non-bl) usually have female main characters
The reason why these authors fail at writing relationships:
Since the stories were written to accommodate for 1) fluff and 2) visual appeal of the characters, fleshing out of actual, three-dimensional relationships take a backseat.
It also doesn't help the development of these relationships when the characters themselves are two-dimensional. They're written and developed based primarily on roles - 'main character', 'love interest', 'family member' etc - without fleshing out their character further. It's hard to write a meaningful relationship between two characters who are equivalent to cardboard cutouts on a theatre stage.
tl;dr, the primary reasons these types of isekai manhwas are written are for feel-good fluffy escapism with visually appealing characters (with a dash of 'authors chasing the latest trend'). Therefore, character relationships are perceived to be Not Important
Can anyone recommend me something like this, where the top isn't super violent (just a bit)?