This was a spin off in a larger story, which I think has two or three chapters.
In the main story, the uke is a highschool student who is in love with his best friend. He ends up sleeping with the school doctor(the seme) in an attempt to make him not love his friend so much. Eventually he properly falls in love with the seme. Also, the friend finds out that his friend is gay and supports him, though he maybe didn't at first?
The second story, the one I'm thinking of, centers around the swim team at the same school. One of the members is in love with the captain, and every time he sees him he gets hard. Obviously, this is a problem in a speedo. One day he latches on to the friend from the previous story and rather desperately asks him about his gay friend. The friend angrily replies that he won't listen to anyone badmouthing his friend, but the uke admits he's also gay, and in love with someone else. The friend directs him to the doctor for advice. They talk, but in the end the uke decides to quit the swim team. He goes for one last swim when the pool is empty, but is caught by the seme. He doesn't want to answer questions about why he's quitting, so he dunks his head in the pool to avoid them, short-sightedly drowning himself. The seme pulls him out, something that had happened previously to start the crush, and admits that he also likes the uke. They have sex, and the uke decides to be the manager so he can still help the swim team, but isn't showing off his constant erection.
There's a little scene at the end where the uke from the first part asks his lover why he's so certain the classmates' love will go well, and the lover shows the uke an anonymous e-mail he received asking for advice that is the mirror image of the story the uke told.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. My keywords aren't specific enough to help at all, unfortunately.

I think I found it, I'm not sure though, bc I didn't read it, but check this out

I feel silly when I waste people's time like this, plus it annoys me when I can't find the manga I want when I want it. The only thing that I don't like is how they sort tags. It means it's hard to find some of my lesser-used ones. On the whole, though, I like being able to tag things, save them for later, or sort them into sections easily.

I wish they would allow us to search by two or more tags combined, it'd be much easier for me.
Heh, I like using tags too, makes my life much more organized xD And it's somehow reassuring.
Oh, I don't think it's a waste of time at all. I love searching for manga (it's like a game for me) and thanks to these requests I can reread some long forgotten stories or find new ones, it's the best xD

That would be *so* much easier. A bunch of other sites (not manga ones, fanfiction and stuff) allow that. And when you pick one tag, the new list has tags used with the other tag so you don't get zero answers. I like those systems.
Reassuring? How so?
My favourite bit about the tags is that if there's one story I like in a collection, but the others don't do it for me, I can write myself little things like "only chapter 4", and then I don't have to search through stuff I know I don't like to find the one chapter I do.
That's good! I do enjoy that as well, actually. I've been introduced to quite a few interesting stories through the questions. I'm not usually a lot of help *finding* them, but I always get childishly excited when I am. Ah well, I suppose that just means I have plenty more to discover!

Yes! That's what I'm talking about! I mean that system sounds good (also something like Baka-Updates provides is ok, but I'd prefer using my own tags).
It's reassuring, when your life is all mess, but there's this one thing you can control, lol. It's like what what people say about e.g. eating disorders or OCD. Heh, I'm not sure if you understand what I mean. Maybe only nuts like me would grasp the idea xD
Oh, I become excited too, when I can find a manga. It's so much fun!
Our fujoshi work will never be done, how can I rest in peace knowing there's still so much yaoi I haven't read?!
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I'm not really familiar with baka-update's way of doing things, but I know I like how on AO3 I can make my own tags. Sometimes I remember stories just because of how the tags were phrased and can search that. Granted, they do author tags only, I think. Still, freeform tags are the way to go. My only problem is that occasionally I'll just grab a tag that says what I want, so mine are a bit of a mix when it comes to capitalization. Which can be a pain, because them there are two categories for the same thing. Still, that's just me not taking the time to pick a system and fix the old tags, so I have no one to blame but myself.
Ah, I see. Yeah, I usually bake. "Everything else is going to hell this week, but I have apple crisp!" You know? Controllable, productive, edible, and a treat. Sometimes I just need all of those things.
True, true! Lol, you would bring up sleeping, wouldn't you? I work nights and am supposed to be asleep right now. Instead, I am reading manga. Because priorities ;)

This is just one chapter in something that had several. I think there was a main story and this was either a parallel universe or it was just as extra.
Anyway, there are... four guys or so, and they're an adventuring party on a quest. When they enter the enemy stronghold, they find one of his main subordinates has laid a trap, and has locked all magic in place. The fighter, not being magical, vaults up to where the enemy mage is standing and attacks (?) him. When he wins he doesn't kill him, but instead has sex with the mage. This continues for a while, with his party members still frozen in the room. The last panel has him introducing the mage to the others, saying, "This is (name). He wants to help us now." While the mage cuddles close, apparently changing sides.

....:it's not a manga but maybe...

This one specifically has high school students. The two MC disturb a hetero couple on the edge of school property. The seme looks to be trying to start a fight, but the uke tells him to leave it. When asked why, he admits that it was the person he likes there. Both the girl, who overhears, and the seme originally think it's the girl, though later conversation has the uke coming out to his friend and admitting it was the male, Tada (whose name is the only one I remember), whom he likes. Upon hearing this, the seme offers to be a replacement, and seems really confused about his reasons for doing so.
After, the seme realizes that he really liked his friend calling his name as he comes, and realizes he likes his friend. Meanwhile, the girl realized that the uke would be a better boyfriend than her current delinquent, and makes a move. The uke kisses her, then tells her she disgusts him, pushing her away.
Tada oversaw his girlfriend's actions, but misinterprets them as the uke putting the moves on his girl, so he and his buddies gang up on him. The uke, during the altercation, gets hard? Either way, he's overpowered, and Tada tells him that he may as well suck Tada's cock. It fades out from this scene.
Then we see the seme, who can't find his best friend. He ends up rhapsodising over his buddy's bike seat, since it's been touching his ass. He's interrupted by the hetero couple, as the girl says, "That's so mean!" He charms his buddy's location out of her, threatens Tada, and runs off. His buddy wasn't raped, they didn't go that far, but they tossed out his pants and underwear so he can't leave the bathroom he's in. The seme shows up with his gym clothes, or some other spare pants, and tosses them over the cubicle to his friend. They had fought earlier, so he's prepared to just leave now that his friend can go, too. but his friend rushes out to hug him. Then he admits that he's really always liked the seme, but didn't want to ruin their friendship, so he unconsciously pushed his feelings onto Tada instead. They get together after that, and I think have sex in the bathroom, despite the uke's protests. Lastly there's a scene with the bike again, and the uke admitting he didn't want to have sex because he can't sit on his bike right now and needs to pedal standing up.

I know this is in the second chapter or so, but a scene just popped into my head where I think both the seme and the uke are the next in line for their respective club leaderships. I'm pretty sure it was the dark-haired uke that was in kendo. The seme was in... basketball? Anyway, they had sex at school, or the seme tried to start sex at school, despite the uke being worried someone would catch them (rare, hunh?). Someone does, though he doesn't say anything at the time. It's sort of a did he/didn't he situation.
Later, the voyeur approached the uke and threatened the seme? Saying that he'd get the seme expelled if the uke didn't agree to sleep with him? The uke invites the voyeur to to give him a try, to protect his boyfriend, but the seme walks in on them.
I'm afraid I don't remember much else. I *think* the seme knew what was going on. As in, he trusted that his boyfriend wasn't just sleeping around. I think he still got mad, though, that the uke would put himself on the line like that when the seme would rather he protects himself.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I remembered what happened in the first chapter, and re-posted. snowdrop_3 was a total sweetheart and found it for me. Here: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yoiko_no_sumu_machi/

It was part of a collection of one shots, I believe, and I'm almost certain it was the last one in the book. The uke was a teacher who had just been assigned to a rural high school. I think possibly it was set in the not-too-distant past, as instead of a suit the uke wore some sort of traditional clothing. The guys in the class were all tanned and thought he had pretty pale skin. He went swimming with them, despite not knowing how to swim, as a trust-building exercise. They went out to this island nearby and were teaching the teacher how to swim, but kept fondling and crowding him until he was terrified and near(?) crying. Then the leader of the students demanded everyone leave, 'rescuing' the uke, whom he then fucked while still at the island. Sound familiar?
Another one that might be a stretch: I read it on a different site, and have no idea if it's here at all, but any help would be appreciated. It's a guys' school, and the biology club has been dubbed the 'sex' club. Pretty much everyone in it is a virgin, though they all think their school's 'prince' is highly experienced. The truth is he's actually a virgin due to being an incurable romantic who wants someone to love, not just sleep with. One of his kohai's, who is *not* a virgin, figures it out after molesting him in the bathroom, and then cofessess. The sempai is confused and scared by the speed of his kohai's affection, and backs off. This convinces the kohai that his love isn't returned. This all comes to a head at a group date, where the sempai is jealous of his kohai getting along with a cute girl. The kohai is sick with a fever, so at the end the sempai pulls him away with the excuse of sending the sick man home, but instead they go to a love hotel, where they have a bit of a shouting match and everyone's feelings are made clear. Then they have sex, despite the sempai being worried about his kohai's health. In the last chapter the sempai goes to visit his kohai, who is bedridden with the fever and who is questioning if it was real due to his sempai being so cold to him. It was only three chapters long, and the reoccuring theme was "i have a secret", "I have another secret now" and such phrases.

I don't know the firts story but the second one is this http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tsuki_ni_hoero/tr/98823/page/140/

Every time I see a collection of one-shots, I seem to find people commenting on how unrealistic love at first sight is, and how it's a cop-out that just shortens the story. Well, for one, it's a one shot. The author has only 20-40 pages to tell a complete story. Background and plot do get omitted in favour of sex, yes, but there's another consideration:
Love at first sight is not a Hollywood creation.
It's not *common*, no, but it's not unheard of, either. Or, at least, it never has been for me. So I'd like to know if anyone else knows of any stories of love at first sight that have actually happened. I'll start it off with two of my own:
When my grandmother was a teenager, she lived in the married worker's houses at a mill site. Her dad was a mill worker, and she knew most of the people in the barracks and houses there. One day she was getting her family's mail from the post office, so she was in the back room, crouched down to reach their floor-level post box. She heard someone come in and looked up to see one of the young men from camp leading a new hire around to show him how thing worked. That new hire was my Grandpa. Grandma didn't even speak to him at that point, but she always claimed she just *knew*, that it shot through her like a spark and she immediately thought, "Okay, that's the one. That's who I'm supposed to be with. This is my future."
They were married about 18 months later, and lasted through four kids, a half dozen moves, and 52 years before the cancer got him. Even now, Grandma wouldn't even consider looking for someone else.
My Oma and Opa have a similar story. They were both commuting from work at the time. Both of them lived and worked in different cites, but one day they ended up on the train together. They fell for each other, struck up a conversation, and were already convinced this would be forever by the time Opa reached his stop. They lasted through two kids, a ten year separation during Immigration, and Oma still claimed he was the only man she'd ever loved when she finally passed away 20 years after him.
How about the rest of you?
It's just a scene, so I can't give you much backstory. The seme is a dark-haired businessman, and when he comes home the lighter-haired uke is following him around the apartment like he wants to be close but not in the way. The sfx was translated as "toddle". I think there may have been an age difference in it.
That's all I've got, sorry. I probably even have it bookmarked, but without remembering the actual *story* I'm not likely to find it.
Thanks for your help!
Found it myself. It's called Kokoro
Ran across it again http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kokoro_kanda_neko/
Thank you :)