Soony created a topic of Surviving the Apocalypse

i saw this on tiktok came to read i haven’t started but i just want to say THAT NATALIE NUN BOOTY CHIN IS OUTRAGEOUS

Soony created a topic of Waterside Night

i didn’t want the child to b born from SA anyways rip first born

Soony created a topic of Love on a Loop
Soony created a topic of Beyond the Headlines

this a no for me. He has a child proportions w a big head . And everything makes me overstimulated. The art gives me a headache. The art is quite literally such a distraction I couldn’t even understand the plot.TO TOP IT OFF everything is so fucking zoomed in like ho get back.

Soony created a topic of Waterside Night

i’m happy i read illegally. These chapters bout short asl. If u had to pay for these short chapters i would crashout.

Soony created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

author wrap this shit up girl

Soony created a topic of Because of You (Harukoi)

I don’t know how it’s possible ion what form of training they had the “young master” under to be picking up a grown man bridal style but it’s beyond me…

Soony created a topic of A well known love affair

This is the only thing we should recommend to first time readers this is funny, light, consensual, and fluffy. 10/10 ion care about anything else !

Soony created a topic of An Abyss

at first i was okay but now im like r u serious u stopped when he passed out? Damn i would crashout .

the ML is really out here doing the lords work!

Soony created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

we wouldn’t have a season 3 if the MC wasn’t so prideful. How do u take pride in being poor ??? They world will keep spinning but i’ll never know

Soony created a topic of ASHTRAY

if i was in his place I would have killed myself . I’m not a bad person but i wished he had killed him self to. Finding out that wasn’t his real brother had that been me i would have killed myself on the spot.

Soony created a topic of Comes In Threes

when i saw the comments they was saying it wasn’t a comedy but i think it is i laughed a lot reading this. Maybe it’s just my humor but i love this nd feel sorry for every character. I wish i could read it again for the first time. I see that some ppl had a hard time reading this but i personally didn’t maybe it’s just me.

Soony created a topic of Temperature of skin

the ml is so ugly i’m happy i read this on a pirated site bc if i had to pay for this bs i would crash out

Soony created a topic of Spilled Blood

it’s so messed up but interesting i give it a 7.3/10 not a full 10 bc of the weird sex talk.

Soony created a topic of Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide

after they was arguing about who biting who i was like WRAP IT UP. Wrap that shit up. And raping him over someone biting him? When you know you bite someone else a while ago…nah that’s some CRAZY work. This all started because ninjas had a biting fetish

Soony created a topic of Corrosive

now give him the same hate nd disgusting comments like how yall did for jaekhyung.

Soony like topic of Jinx

There’s a like and dislike button keep it pushing.
You don’t like or disagree about what i said, scroll.
Save yourself some peace of mind and keep on.

the hate jaekhyung gets you’ll never see it under worser ML stories, that guy from the pearl boy didn’t get nearly as much hate to the point the whole comment section was death threats to a nonexistent character. Profundis comment section is more rainbows and unicorn than this. Placebo effect is worse then jinx but ppl liked it so much the author made it into a series. Legs that won’t walk was just questionable and worse then jinx but the readers are eating it up nd having picnics after church. Slammer dogs not everyone’s cup of tea but DEFINITELY worse then jinx yet ppl are laughing in the comments section. Honorable mention DARKFALL, i didn’t make it pass chap 12 but ppl are just enjoying it and as for the rape oh okay. I feel like yall are picking and choosing who is acceptable. Jinx is literally child play compared to other stories but you’ll never be mad at them because you all like to cherry pick. Honestly in jaekhyung case “imagine posting on your page for me to see and i never do” this what it’s giving yall are fighting and threatening the forces of air.