hi, looking for toxic psychological bs like roses and champagne and passion

1) sheep's mask
2) sing in love
i needed to rant because what the fuck is that?? Jisoo as Lee Jihye when she was supposed to be a high school kid? Using GUNS!? Dokja being TALLER than Joonghyuk? The title change? The cast for Joonghyuk?? That mf I don't even remember. What is this??? Are we supposed to watch an ORV adaptation without all the ORV? This is a whole another story, I say cancel it. CANCEL IT
I had hopes, but now it's just sad :(
It's always in my mind ever since I heard the news. I honestly don't want my fav fic to become nothing after live actions. So I didn't even acknowledge them TBH. What if they couldn't convey the storyline well? What if the story becomes meaningless after that? These thoughts just came to me. I even thought it'd be better if it were an anime rather than live actions. Imma not gonna watch it ngl. Just living with my actual MCs is enough for me. TwT that said please don't ruin our story, our characters and our storyline!
not one orv fans is gonna watch lol
I actually, and genuinely teared up after seeing the live action orv I was literally disappointed with it
let’s not watch it
I didn't have high hopes esp when the casting already fumbled HARD. I love jisoo my queen but WHY Lee jihye? She looked NOTHING like a high schooler with the few second screen time she had in the trailer. I know koreans have a knack for looking young but its still so freaking obvious shes an adult. I rlly think she would've fit king of beauty or atleast Lee seolhwa. Like the casting they picked for lee jihye pissed me so bad idk anymore. Also wtf were they thinking about using GUNS?? Them using swords is an important point on plot like yjh being a whole freaking swordmaster and loads of skills and powers being related to using a sword. Like are they just going to throw such important stuff out of the window like if they thought using swords will look stiff then why friking make an adaption in the first place I dont mind them making SMALL changes but this aint small did they seriously think it'll be fine if they changed the weapons they use?? HECK I CANT EVEN IMAGIN KDJ USING A GUN
I was genuinely ecstatic when I heard there was going to be an adaptation, I should've known beyter
Right, it's like getting stabbed in the guts with this one. I feel betrayed and so dissapointed because ORV is also my favorite. And oh for sure, it's gonna be a completely different story, one that is not worth acknowledging for. But still, the ORV wouldn't become meaningless
FOR SURE ABSOLUTELY I am not gonna go out my way to watch that
IT'S A FUCKING INSULT TO DOKJA’S BIRTHDAY, if they had done that then they should've put more justice on that adaptation
damn, from the time they released those casts, I've never gone my way to see them cause I just know it would be a dissapointment. I saw it on tiktok today and I genuinely felt fury
Not only Jihye but they also fumbled on Kim Dokja and Joonghyuk I HATE THE CASTS URGHHHHHHHH I fucking hate it, there should've been no damn live adaptation, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN AN ANIME OR WHATEVER THE FUCK, then THEY CAN ACTUALLY USE SWORDS INSTEAD OF GUNS CAUSE THEY'RE LACKING. If they thought it would look stiff then they're just INADEQUATE, ugh what even is the point of this????
tis just like the 'until dawn' movie adaptation of the game but without the stuff that made it 'until dawn' in the first place