In my mind him and the brother aren't biologically related the uke is like adopted or something that's the only way I can process it

Sorry to shock you but they're blood related this is an omegaverse, so there are involved animal instincts. When the uke went into heat at 16 his brother was next to him and got accidentally attracted by his pheromones so he developed some kind of obsession towards Hana, even cause they've been separated for 10 years so they're basically strangers... I'm sure the story would've told us if one of them was adopted. But I also think it's disturbing, it was better if the author used a childhood friend Idk

I'm calling it the duke is the killer and the Prince is the father, I feel like they're dropping little hints, the bite mark, in the flashback when he got pregnant he was covered in bite marks, the Prince telling him to spread his legs, the person who the uke slept with told him the same thing and he called him erotic I'm pretty sure the person that got him pregnant said the same thing or something similar, it has to be the Prince, if not y'all just pulled the biggest uno reverse card
Scrambled guts that's what eui joon about to get
PFFFFFF Titan’s Bride kinda drip (⊙…⊙ )