I knew a man, white, 34 years old, played games on ps with him, started having problems because he didn’t like that he couldn’t say the n word around me. Started shit talking me to my other online friends saying stuff like, “She’s so annoying” and “You guys shouldn’t play with her because (insert the stupidest shit you could think of...... 1 reply
To all US residents the election is live right now! Go watch if you care. You can search up election live on google, they show the map and live results and they do it every election year. Remember that in person votes are counted first so what it looks like may not be what it really is. If it causes you anxiety, close the tab! You can be nervous but remeber that it will all work out regardless! Stay safe everyone <3
I was at school today and as I was heading to my class this girl suddenly ran into a fire extinguisher and fell into the ground. Her eyes were fully open and her mouth was kinda as well. A teacher came out and started shaking her and she was completely unresponsive. She looked so lifeless. They announced a hold for a medical emergency and we were made to go into our classrooms. My class was across the hall and I could hear the first responders using the AED on her and they ended up having to shock her heart. They were dong CPR for a long time but they eventually got her heart to start again and they got her on a stretcher and to the hospital. But ppl are saying that she’s in critical condition and she would be extremely lucky to survive the night. I just keep thinking about her face, replaying how she just collapsed onto the ground and thinking abt her. Like did I really just see her die right there in front of me. Idk why I just can’t stop thinking about it.