Hey just asking uhh can you put me in the screenshot pleaaaaaseeeee im boredddd make me seem like an asshole please hnnnng bully me daddyyyy23 09,2020
So you come into the server, tell us to die and saying homophobic slurs, and Eunice comes in dms telling us to stop making fun of straight p23 09,2020
Also romanticizing rape huh...seems interesting you have a problem with that (especially since we never did) considering Eunice has a whole 23 09,2020
Remember when you got banned for saying the f slur in that exact server? And we made sarcastic jokes because of the slur, so you decide to t23 09,2020
bahahaha to think you guys would actually join someone's discord to "expose them" for talking shit bout straight when you said the gay slur 23 09,2020
Oh damn..you really have nothing better to do than stroke your own ego by making fun of others with out of context screenshots? Kinky...;) m23 09,2020
context?23 09,2020
wow this is mad embarrassing. as i thought. eunice and big bro were teaming up huh. imagine siding with a dude who told us we should die, an23 09,2020
Hey just asking uhh can you put me in the screenshot pleaaaaaseeeee im boredddd make me seem like an asshole please hnnnng bully me daddyyyy
23 09,2020