Guys can u name me some switch couples with good stroy ?
So how did u die ?
Well two men had sex while we were on the plane
Wait what , how come ?
They were the poilets
Is absolute masterpiece, very meaningful
I'm lost for words!
To those who still haven't start this , u losing beauty of a chef d'oeuvre
Kloff <3
I'll hope I see u suffer , hope u taste rape and see how it feels like then get eaten half alive by six wild dogs and burn while u screaming , ur body be torn apart and ur bones trun into ashes
How is it a basterd like u getting the lifetime chance once again ?
Nothing in here is rational
He should be the one who gets punished
Well tnk u that was my wish ♂
Gril u got eyes , saw the whole thing still why bringing nonsenses? he is obviously taken