I could of sworn there was a continuation to the uncle story somewhere. Or am I confusing it with another similar story? I can't remember *sigh*

grammar troll..:.
I could have...
Not: I could of...
Just in case you are a foreigner who picked it up online... I always wondered when I saw it online, whether it is some sort of acceptable colloquial form, but just recently there was an online blog where a native speaker said how annoying it is..
sorry...you´re the first victim I bumped into...:)

I just really want to read a story where it doesn't work out the way the controlling one wants. I want that epic facial expression when he realizes he miscalculated and now has to try to fix.
Edit: but I really did enjoy this one. It had a nice twist.

good point!!!

It is a good point! but not what I meant the seme seemed to know what action to expect from the uke, throughout the whole story in my point of veiw. The seme was alway the true S and was just letting a M think he was an S. So it didn't satisfy my 'need'? Is that the word you use? I guess I should of mentioned I wanted a true all out S? Controlling and conniving all the way screwing up.
I will be extremely sad if this isn't a build up to pulling Furuya off the mound and putting Sawamura on to save the game.
It’s the perfect set up to prove that Furuya isn’t the next baseball god and to show that Sawamura is the ace and the MAIN CHARACTER.
Come on show the grads how far Sawamura has come.
Yeah. Sensei really should start thinking about giving Eijun the spotlight now that he’s the ace and stop giving us Furuya’s shts. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍