or are you just selecting among the popular tags ? Because under "Add tag" you can type anything and when you press "Enter" it is added as a tag Abijyn
Actually i jus put word in the optional tag and try submit that doesn't work. Another time i try something about timeline check box still not showing up
How do i add tag?
wdym? i see tags on the manga you follow
or are you just selecting among the popular tags ?
Because under "Add tag" you can type anything and when you press "Enter" it is added as a tag
It's the popular tag the manga already have
I already try enter and my tag doesn't show up
Actually i jus put word in the optional tag and try submit that doesn't work. Another time i try something about timeline check box still not showing up
Also the optional comment also doesn't work
oh sorry i don't know then… that's weird
maybe your account is restricted ? has it always been like that?
Yes, but i just want to try asking someone else as the last resort
You can't really do it in your cellphone, I thinks it's more an Android problem since the enter key is the same key to add a new line (?).
Will it work if i use PC?
It should, last time I had to do it like that