Before successfully being able to commit suicide, Takeshi Hirota, a bullied high school boy is trans...
- Author: Nitou sau
- Genres: Seinen(M) / Bloody / Gore / Mature / Violence / Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Isekai / Magic / Monsters / Psychological / Reincarnation / Revenge / Supernatural / Survival / Tragedy Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Isekai Magic Monsters Psychological Reincarnation Revenge Supernatural Survival Tragedy
Trashy ragebait.
This has to be the absolute king of trash webtoons, like, a rejected script from James Gunn when he was working for Troma,.
Is this the conclusion? This is from absolutely fucking nowhere, nothing got explained, why the protagonist time travel, the horrid shack painted with blood, why Sora has those strange eyes, the clue on the painting, nothing or I’m just missing something.
2 doubts, what whas the point of the isekai/reincarnation intro, and I don't undestand why japanese fiction is so in love with this idea of kind rulers/nobles caring for the poors, historically rich people never gave a shit about peasants.
Wow, this fucking fossil of a bygone era is crawling back to popularity, 3 volumes of nothing to write home about with a gently reminder that messed-up relationships where the usual standard in yaoi mangas. God I feel old now.
Mr. Author for sure need a script writer, you can still see some spark of good but my God is so so messy.
They are both assholes, the humor is weak and nothing wholesome about being a couple, this pile is isufferable, ‘cept the art style.
The relationship between the characters seems to develop from thin air, there are not a lot of reasons for Johnny to fall in love with Callahan…
Idk the hairy chest?
What a first chapter, a wonderful 12 page rape-scene speedrun, incredible, I wish I could forget.
Makoto is referred to as a "deviant" because of his abnormal inclinations and has always s...
- Author: Ryo Sumiyoshi
- Genres: Supernatural / Drama / Yaoi / Adult / Horror
Lmao no
- Author: Oyanu,おやぬ
- Genres: Josei / Smut / Comedy / Romance Comedy Romance
Lmao this is pure trash
Another incredibly bland revenge power fantasy, name a more iconic trio than asian ppl, bullyng/mobbing and power fantasy.
Yeah yeah cute elderly couple whatever, this piece of crap is going fucking nowhere, at this point is sure not even the author have any clue to how progress the plot in a meaningful way.