This is so rushed and all over the place, nothing the characters do make sense, the sister plot and figure is just a giant deus ex machina, in two years the brother just doesn’t’ give a fuck, the other asshole goes from asshole to jackass to gay just cause, why this kind of shitty garbage get’s the chance to get published? Idk I just wanna rant and seriously ask the author if they think this was legit the best they could do, if the answer is yes, we have a problem.
So, the art is clean and pretty and that’s ok, the plot is kinda a mess, the story seem rushed, like, a lot, the plot points felt like made up from thin air, and in general there is no development, we start from a guy ringing a doorbell claiming to be a sexdoll(???) we explore the life of the protagonist, he rides a motorcycle, a random blowjob in the middle of the night (????????????) and the the last 2 chapters are just a spot to tell us how beautiful is to have a baby, nothing wrong with this, but this is not the type of story for a 5 chapters BL, it’s not even a real story, whatever.
I respect your opinion but there's a bit more to the story than that! The last few chapters were also where it reveals that the seme and uke were actually from the same orphanage growing up, so it wasn't just about the baby. Coming from someone with step-parents, I'm really glad we got to see an adoptive family that finally wasn't abusive.
Overall, I agree that this manga's plot isn't very deep but you can't really expect every read to be a masterpiece ^o^