sam like topic of Little Mushroom

Its sooo good!!!!” (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Like: Global examination, kiss the abyss, Omnicient Reader, the world is like a game

Tho the down i feel here is not to get attached to side characters or my heart will hurt

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sam asked a question

I can't find operation true love, is it under a different name?

sam like topic of Little Mushroom

Did they skip the part where lil mushroom called lu feng tl rescue em from the room and the part where irc mushroom baby cut of his finger that got bitten.

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17 08,2024
sam created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Why is everyone calling Itadori Guardian of souls or whatever it is, I thought it's because of the new chapter but it wasn't mentioned

sam like topic of Global Examination

this is gonna take like 20 years to get completed

sam like topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

So, I've seen a lot of comments of how confused you guys are and I am here to give you a (hopefully) understandable explanation of what is going on.

At the end of the Shibuya-Arc, Kenjaku (the brain/Fake-Geto) used Mahito's Idle transfiguration on two types of Jujutsu sorcerers to adjust their brains for sorcery: People who ingested Cursed Objects (like Yuji) got strength as vessels and people with Cursed Techniques whose brains were meant to be Non-sorcerers (like Junpei) got the ability to use Cursed Techniques. Adding to that he broke the seal on Cursed Objects, some of them already over a thousand years old (Kurusu Hana, the angel-person, is one of them if I'm not mistaken, because they are over a thousand years old). Kenjaku is now planning on making these three types of people fight each other in the culling game, to deepen their understanding of cursed energy and finally merge them with Tengen to create a new kind of jujutsu sorcerer, an evolved human.

Now on to the culling game, which is probably the most confusing part for you guys: Kenjaku (and most likely other sorcerers/curse users form the old times) created 10 colonies all over Japan. These colonies are used as a preparation to turn the people in Japan into curses to merge with Tengen (I'll address this point later).
There are 8 rules in the culling game, all dependent on each other. I'm going to list all of them in one go, because I think it's easier to make sense of them if there isn't text in between them.
1. After awakening a cursed technique, players must declare their participation in the culling game at a colony of their choice within 19 days.
2. Any swimmer who breaks the previous rule shall be subject to curse technique removal (this is just a nice way of saying to kill the swimmer)
3. Non-players who enter the colonies become players at the moment of entry and shall be considered to have declared participation in the Culling Game.
4. Players score points by ending the life of other players.
5. Points are determined by the game master and indicate the value of a player's life. In principle (as a general rule), sorcerers are worth 5 points and non-sorcerers are worth 1 point.
6. Excluding the point value of a player's own life, players may expend 100 points to negotiate with the game master to add one new rule to the culling game.
7. In accordance with the previous rule, the game master must accept any proposed new rule unless it has a marked and long-lasting effect on the culling game.
8. If a player's score remains the same for 19 days, that player shall be subject to cursed technique removal.

So in short, Itadori, Megumi, Yuta, Maki and Panda (I don't know about the others, and Nobara's status is still unknown - Whyyyyy Gege, Whyyyy??) will have to join the culling game and score 100 points so they can add a rule to the already existing rules. The reason is because they want to save Tsumiki, Megumis sister.
Another reason why they must join the culling game is to get in contact with Kurusu Hana, the only person who is capable of terminating all techniques. If Yuji & Co. manage to get them on their side, Kurusu can terminate the technique keeping Gojo inside the cube (Though we don't know who this Kurusu Hana person is and on whose side they are. We'll see in the next chapters how it'll turn out)
We are still going to see what kind of solution Megumi has so they can earn points by not killing people, but from what has happened so far in the manga, I am pretty sure that somebody has to kill or will be killed.

Now what happens if humans are merged with Tengen. First the basics: Because there isn't enough cursed energy to use Idle Transfiguration on every Japanese person to transform them into a sorcerer, Kenjaku is trying to achieve the wanted evolution by merging the humans with Kenjaku. By merging them, the humans surpass the normal definition of a sorcerer. They exist but also don't exist, which leads to a new form of existence. These evolved humans lack the boundary of an individual and if one of those evolved humans go out of control it'll be the end of the world / the Shibuya-Incident will repeat itself all over the world.
Another huge problem is the fact that Tengen is susceptible to curse spirit manipulation, which means that Kenjaku will absorb him immediately upon contact. This is the reason why Tengen wants/needs guards (Yuki and Choso in this case). Everything will be over for the sorcerers if Tengen and his barrier disappear.

I also recommend binge reading from chapter 135 onward until the current chapter. It'll help a lot
Hope this was to some point understandable and you get the story a little better ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
I am open for any improvements and constructive criticism as well as corrections in case I got something wrong.

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sam created a topic of Waterside Night

ngl, that "who are you" made my heart stop for a sec

READ THIS LONG ASS OPINION/THEORY AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. THIS IS A LIGHTLY INFORMATIVE OPINION SO IF YA GET OFFENDED JUST KNOW THAT I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE BITCHING, however I don't mind chatting with other like-minded theorist, just saying this the only warning I'm giving ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_.

First of all, the fact that Soho can FEEL sensations and was semi-conscious when he was molested by the old man has my alarms ringing. Soho has already experience rape inna bluetooth OR TELEPATHIC sort of way so that realization to him is gonna hit him hard IF and when he finds this out.

Second. HAS NOONE HEARD OF DETROIT BECOME HUMAN?!?! If a robot is sentient that means it can no longer be seen as inanimate and the word "robot" now has a different meaning all together so now it's a race and not a thing. Or it can be a non-binary race/being so the only thing that separates humans and robots in this sense is what material their made out of.

3rd. The human body is allowed to FEEL sensations thanks to the nervous system which is composed out of BILLIONS OF NERVE RECEPTORS WHICH THE BRAIN IS CAPABLE OF COMMUNICATING TO- WITH THE BILLIONS OF NEURONS IT HAS IN ORDER TO MAKE US FUNCTION THE WAY WE DO. So think really hard on how the scientist in this story were probably able to create a sentient robot that can think and FEEL exactly what we THINK AND FEEL.

[In this sense, Soho is literally no diferent than a test-tube baby except he wasn't grow from DNA he was built with an already a complete body- also mixed with SOME DNA. Which also means that just like his body is adult- his mind is that of an adult with amnesia, which to be honest still weirds me out but that's just me.]

They needed a LIVE HUMAN to create an android because they needed the brains neurons to transfer the consciousness to the androids, the same thing is what happened with KID. They used a chip because all a brain is-is a fleshy SD card but imagine the sheer amount of synthetic nerves they had to create in or to cover Soho's entired body in, and ALSO THE SKIN THEY HAD TO CREATE that was capable of synthesizing all of that nerve data so that he can actually FEEL something (like a regular human can). To anyone who's still confused on how Soho can feel something or is wondering what Soho's is feeling physically(?) just caress your entire body with your hands including your fingers and there is your answer.

Swear this story is top tier and is not a hard concept to grasp. Humans aren't the only beings in this world that are caple of feeling something. They ARE however the most lacking in the concept of understanding that other beings can have a conscious and can feel what they are also feeling. What's even more crazy is that they can do even more then what's theorized but can't because they are complacent with just living to their max amount of comfort and basic level of understanding.

sam created a topic of The Origin of Species

Did Seo Seunghyun pay off Lee Youngjin's 2 billion debt? I don't think it was mentioned

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sam followed a list

this list contains BL manga that will make you feel 
warm and cozy because of their genuine relationship
 and love. they’re all fluffy and must reads if you want 
to smile because of a cute ass relationship!!! they have reviews along with a rating out of 5 at the bottom.

to note:
most of this is 18+ however, if there are any 
contents of r*pe & coercion i'll remove it!


29 07,2024