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Can somebody tell me where can I read the novel with English translation??

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   002–016 time travel
   017–021 parallel dimension
   022–033 reincarnation
   034–062 transmigration
   063–090 transportation
   091–174 for sorting

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Refer to the Glossary of Terms for the definition
of each isekai subgenre

7 days
sam created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Yes the sister was right, it would make Taehyuk cry... Cry of frustration

sam like topic of Dash

Dont mind me. Im just taking notes....vol.2 ch 65,66 67,68,69(▰˘◡˘▰)

sam like topic of Dash

guys as someone who read the novel 10000000/10 would recommend!! so well written, amazing pace and doesn't give wattpad 13 year old! (no offense, i love you guys but you know what i mean)

sam created a topic of Global Examination


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sam like topic of Little Mushroom

Its sooo good!!!!” (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Like: Global examination, kiss the abyss, Omnicient Reader, the world is like a game

Tho the down i feel here is not to get attached to side characters or my heart will hurt

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sam asked a question

I can't find operation true love, is it under a different name?

sam like topic of Little Mushroom

Did they skip the part where lil mushroom called lu feng tl rescue em from the room and the part where irc mushroom baby cut of his finger that got bitten.

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17 08,2024
sam created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Why is everyone calling Itadori Guardian of souls or whatever it is, I thought it's because of the new chapter but it wasn't mentioned