Ew brother ewww chapter 26 and whats wrong with the mmf ml like brother ewww you fuckturdddd tf ya let yo friends laugh at him for approaching ya, ya ignore him and are like " if ya don't git nothin important to say ya can leave." Then ya expect him to let him get fucked by ya the very night ya embarrassed him and trampled on him. Then when he seems to move on from yo dick ass behaviour with another very handsome, very loyal and very fucking nice cutie, you fuckin come along and ruin it again actin all brooding and shit as if that's handsome.
And why o why. That isn't what frustrates ,e most, what frustrates me most is when jooin, our fuckin joke of an mc let's him do whatever tf he wants to him. Our mc is adorable ok, he communicates, he loves, he's pure, he's sweet but goddd he's too sweet and to eager to communicate with this fucking uncommunicative fucked up mother fucker. Fuck me cause why tf is there always a beautiful, loyal, charming, pure blonde beautiful 2nd ml (have to say beautiful twice) to contrast with the black haired motherfucker whose our ml... like at some point I want a story where the ml ends up liking the 2nd ml or where the 2nd ml fucking gets the mc CAUSE GODDD.