Prince_Genai December 23, 2023 12:53 pm

I know he’s been demoted from physical therapist to fleshlight, but the way he refuses to hop off his dick is so insufferable and I truly hope this is a wake up call for him because he needs to stop being the weakest link.

It doesn’t matter how many people JK hurts, abuses, bullies, manipulates, etc. etc. etc., most of which is literally happening to him, that pedestal is still as high as ever.

Now he’s working his ass off doing deliveries all night to get the rich prick a new designer keychain for his luxury car, so he can run back in the morning to make him breakfast, so he can get verbally accosted and yelled at to do his job while actively being forced to not do his job, like for the love of god GET A GRIP. TAKE A HINT. FORM A FRACTION OF A BACKBONE.

I understand the appeal of the innocent angel characters paired with the literal devil but I can only take so much delusion and lack of self respect/self preservation…

    Hyun December 23, 2023 12:59 pm

    "fleshlight" lmaoo

Prince_Genai December 23, 2023 2:32 am

People have been giving Ho-In the hardest time saying he’s a horrible friend and Woojin should drop him forever and deserves better… but… I can’t even blame Ho-In… like not even slightly.

They have been actively trying to piss him off just so Chinwoo could see his angry side, he’s already been cheated on by him, and now this whole situation. He’s literally not in the wrong here if he beats the shit out of Woojin because this plan was STUPID and SELFISH and POINTLESS.

“Fuck actual communication, let’s do some crazy mental warfare gaslighting shit to make my boyfriend blow a gasket, and then act shocked when he blows a gasket”

I was sitting here worried about everyone acting like Ho-In suddenly became some sort of evil violent psycho out of nowhere and poor innocent Woojin is just his helpless victim like wow. I get being worried for Woojins safety because he wasn’t actually trying to steal Chinwoo away, but Ho-in is factually not in the wrong here.

    Heu77 December 23, 2023 5:30 am

    Literally. How can they blame him this much instead of blaming all of them equally?
    They act like Woojin is a saint when he’s no better as a friend.

Prince_Genai November 26, 2023 8:13 am

The only thing that makes characters like him work is the moment they stop being delusional assholes and start being pining obsessive whipped losers like I want him on his knees with puppy dog eyes begging for Garams affection or I’ll be forever annoyed at him lmao

Prince_Genai November 23, 2023 12:02 pm


Prince_Genai October 14, 2023 2:34 am

I hope he loses. I hope he gets fucking obliterated and the news, and his fans, and his investors tear him a fucking new one. I don’t want to victim blame but I legit want to punch a wall every time Dan fixes his lips to say shit like “oh he’s done so much for me” and “he’s probably suffering even more” like no! This privileged fuck has been using you like a fucking fleshlight to quell his own made up fucking jinx that formed out of his unhealthy obsession with being a domineering abusive prick with a power-dynamic fetish. To the point where he literally just takes you without any regard of consent or care or shit. To the point where while he forces you over a counter like you’re not a living breathing human, all you can do is hope that he doesn’t make you bleed. THIS IS ABUSE. THIS IS AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. I bet if any of the guys at the gym found out about what he’d do to him, they’d fucking jump his evil ass. I wish we were at the point where Dan was sick of his bullshit and decided to chuck the jacket back at his dumb fucking skull when he threw it at him. I don’t care how fucking strong he is, someone needs to take a goddamn baseball cap to his knees and then see how fucking strong he feels. Matter of fact, a bullet. Like I don’t fucking care anymore, I want him to crash and burn… IN FUCKING HELL…

Fun story tho with great art

    Prince_Genai October 14, 2023 2:38 am

    “I’d rather r@pe someone then actually take care of my body and mind and actually do some fucking physical therapy like this poor man was hired to do-” like please get hit by a bus you absolute fucking loser.

    nella October 14, 2023 2:45 am

    I agree ! Jaekyungs a piece of shit and needs to lose everything so his over inflated ego can pop

Prince_Genai October 3, 2023 11:58 am

This side couple pairing… I’m actually in love with it lmao. Like this is gonna be so fun and it’s something I can actually look forward to without having to worry about jumping over the hurdles of an evil bastard finding a heart. I love Potato a lot and Heesung actually isn’t as bad as I thought he was. His lowkey manipulation with the love bombing stuff and how he easily moves on/gets bored of the people he pursues sorta skeeved me out a bit, but he’s definitely a better person then Jaekyung, and you can tell he doesn’t go out of his way to hurt others. He handled the Dan situation really well. I can’t wait to see more Heesung x Potato, it’s gonna be hilarious and probably really hot lol.

Side Note: Maybe jaekyung wouldn’t have to worry about any injuries if his stupid ass actually got treated instead of spending all of his energy sexually harassing and abusing his DOCTOR.

Prince_Genai September 24, 2023 3:01 am

LMAOOOO My favorite trope has finally come to fruition! I just love the asshole that is so aggressively delusional to how whipped he is. It’s the way the typically domineering character suddenly loses all power in the relationship. He’s not gay, but for some reason can’t help buying this guy gifts, only wanting to sleep with him, covering him up when he falls asleep, literally saying he’s not attractive while impulsively kissing him. It’s so pathetic in the most hilarious and endearing way. He’s literally so damned whipped but still considers himself straight. I can’t help it, I love it so much. Literally giggling and kicking my feet as this absolute loser tries to convince himself that he’s not obsessed with the gay boy.

Prince_Genai September 23, 2023 12:35 am

I don’t care, I’m gonna keep reading because I dont want to leave off without seeing Doc Dan happy, but I will NEVER deprive myself of hating this absolute loser. He’s so mentally and emotionally without that the best way for him to stake his claim over another human without admitting he’s into him is by literally violating his body and committing an act of sexual assault? Dan didn’t consent to being exposed like that, especially in a state of Jaekyungs kinky deprived experiments. It’s honestly such a sick thing to do. It would’ve been horrible with a stranger, but this is even worse. He knows him. He interacts with him on a regular basis. He’s always been an annoying physically domineering piece of crap, but this is just way too far. It’s literally sexual assault. And don’t think I didn’t peep that “can I say no?” “No you can’t.” Because that’s pretty much all this relationship is. The whole concept of “you may say you don’t like it but your body tells the truth” is so stupid because mind and body are two separate things, and no matter how nerves are reacting to something physical, if you don’t enjoy what’s happening mentally and emotionally, you can’t enjoy it happening. I genuinely don’t think Dan enjoys being with him because there’s no emotional gratification that comes from it. He can’t say no, he’s in his debt, there’s barely even technical consent, but he just has to deal with it because these freaks have never heard of therapy.

    Momma September 23, 2023 12:44 am

    You’re the only comment here that just makes so fucking sense! The boy needs therapy, he really does.

Prince_Genai September 22, 2023 9:54 am

His reaction whenever he feels he’s “switched” is the entire reason why aspects of him are fractured in the first place. The entire goal should be to actively embrace all sides of him so that they don’t have to be conflicting parts of the whole. When he treats one like a parasite and the other as his loving “hyung” when they’re both part of the same body and both love him, all it’s going to do is cause a further divide between them when they should be meshing together. Humans are complex creatures with countless pieces that make us “us”, so the only thing he should be doing is reassuring him that he can love and accept and appreciate every aspect of him so that he no longer feels the need to hide/fight the different aspects of his personality. It’s all him. He just needs to feel safe enough to allow all of him to come through all at once.

    Ruri September 22, 2023 12:52 pm

    You see, that makes sense and is the healthy route to go. Buuuuuut in stories like this they can't help but always do the opposite and cause more confusion and toxicity ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Prince_Genai September 14, 2023 4:02 am

I’m sorry but Jace is insufferable lmao. I get it, dramalamaramabama whatever but GET OVER IT lmfao. It’s so melodramatic and whiney that I can’t take it seriously, I just wanna slap tf out of him every time he opens his mouth also “wahhh wahhh two men can’t make an heir” as if this dude doesn’t have a whole ass younger brother who is practically his son and literally in line to be an heir to the throne. You’d rather run away into the woods or some shit and flee the scene of a kidnapping while injured then admit that maybe just maybe some gay rumors wouldn’t mean much to one of the most powerful and influential dudes in the country. I just can’t stand characters that make their life harder for fun, and then complain about how hard their life is. I’d tell him to get a job but he already tried and failed after abandoning a perfect one for no logical reason.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:31 am

    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other than the duke’s palace. I think it is smart to give it a lil thought and extra precaution because they have zero allies rn, because a duke is high up but not all powerful. I mean he literally got attacked for just being gay at the duke’s party, so yea it is understandable to believe people could destroy not just him but the duke. However they could just give the position to the lil bro.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:32 am
    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other t... dan_fun4321

    Jace is very dramatic tho and just runs off cliffs instead of explaining himself tholike talk it babe

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:32 am
    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other t... dan_fun4321

    Jace is very dramatic tho and just runs off cliffs instead of explaining himself tholike talk it out babe

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