Oh good lord did he just smile when he said that he is part of his trauma and so he can't be erased? I can't
Is it just me or Yoo Inseo is actually the cutest character ever drawn in yaoi universe. Freaking good. Author needs to continue this.
I'm so happy that he ignored his text and decided to rather spend the time with the brother.
Omg omg omgggg that means he tried to kill himself and lost his memories, i thought he lost his memories in that accident with jiyoung. Omgggg..!!!!!!
Ingot too excited and read the spoilers, i shouldn't have done that. What the actual f***. Please bl God let haewon know the truth and leave his filthy ass behind and make that monsters suffer.
This storyline is so good. I'm so invested. I hope its a happy ending for them.
My babie Dojun I wish you a very happy married life with Jaehee. After everything you went through you deserve only good things in life. Jeahee you are the best, I laughed and cried and laughed again because of you. Keep Dojun happy and be good to each other.
Messy ad but I love it can't decide whether it's sad or funny.
Redemption arc was very short for the things that's poor baby suffered. I wanted that sonafa to cry rivers.
Can somebody pls name the yaoi with twin brothers who are uke.
It is so bad that it is good unhinged characters.
I read this for the 3rd time today. This is still one of my favs. So beautifully written. Soothes my heart each time. Love it
I know uke is not all fluff and roses but I am loving the character development. Atleast he is accepting his faults and his feelings for taehwan. Minho should have really communicated better if he was feeling jealous and anxious. He Crossed so many lines that now they can't go back to how things were. I want uke to grow a spine, work, earn, give himself some time alone and then end up with taehwan or somebody else, but not Minho.
It's 6am , haven't slept because I was so hooked and this is going to f up my whole day but I have ZERO regrets. I fking loveddddddd it. I can't, I just can't...... Lovedddd it. I need more.