ær.'s experience ( All 0 )

ær.'s answer ( All 23 )

about question
26 07,2024
First of all, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. It sounds really tough. I relate a lot since I tend to also use my phone the moment I wake up, until before bed time (basically the whole day). The more I do it, day by day, the more it makes me feel somehow restless and fatigued. I realized that it helped whenever I get busy with other stuff......   reply
26 07,2024
about question
13 03,2024
The "red flag" ideology. I'm studying psychology in college and we've dealt with some situational tests or practical experiments that's connected with interpersonal relationships. A lot of young people mentioned the term red flag, as their basis in dating. It's also evident how much there's a difference with the people who really focus on avoidi......   1 reply
13 03,2024
about question
One time I bawled my eyes out to Caramelldansen (Original Swedish version) And halfway thru the tears, I realized I was bopping my head and started to slowly temporarily "forget" the problem I was going through at that time. That was the first time I really realized what "getting lost in the music" meant - ever since then, I've been gravitating tow......   reply
23 02,2024
about question
B r u h.   reply
01 07,2021

ær.'s question ( All 1 )

We all have one. I was just curious about the work that really ruined your life, or gave you guy's horrible trauma/phobia. I'm also lowkey just looking for recommendations. I'm a masochist that way.ヾ(☆▽☆) Hehe~
17 09,2020

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

i did try to multiple times tho i survived every time

1 hours
did contradictory comments

My words are contradicting cus I myself dont know the truth anymore. i need a break irl and im spiraling.

2 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I wanted to because he was gone but my friends stopped me and offered me a solution

2 hours