When the king wiped the blood from his face and licked it I was like Oh damnnn where us this coming from , i thought his 20+ but his 19 ehhh?! but it doesn't feel right ... In the early chap they look like a family like seriously ( the saintess/king and Nina) they look so cute and now you're telling me he kinda want nina Ughhhh ... But this is nice tho Imma wait for the glow up of the grand duke.... Why is he the grand duke anyway he could've just stay as a prince and wait since he's tooo young

What a cliffhanger sigh*

Better translation of chapter 31 and even more chapters : https://mangadex.org/title/50113/please-take-care-of-me-in-this-life-as-well
Bruhhhh I want to see Zeronis mad as hell and kick rose's ass