He's so attractive when he's angry, like damn fr you're no one else's but Gyuwon's
It's so weird seeing them try to solve it at the same time, like wow wdym you won't think it over for like 5 days like an idiot???
I read this when they were still in highschool, confused of their own feelings yet still having fun but now they're all grown ups with jobs
Sorry but he looks so submissive, I can't process anything else
I mean he's not that hard to like anyway so he'll definitely fall for him soon
Jaehyuk is now tolerable, wow who would have ever thought. Early reader me would have never believed it
Wish they could just talk it out and actually express themselves :') but I get the struggle, in their minds they just have a simple employer-employee relationship so I can't blame anyone.
Not us getting jaehyuk all cutesy and down bad before gta 6 and jaekyung changing (he's far gone tbh)
I hope that fucker never even gets a sight of taegun ever again, I HOPE HE FUCKING SUFFERS. Istg if they pull some fucking bullshit and do something rash just to show that he's an evil person I'll go nuts.
BROTHER EURGH what the fuck is wrong with this school, fuck that pedo ass teacher I hope she gets what she deserves
I get blondie's obsession with gyuwon. I'd go crazy too if I don't have a chance with a baddie
Isn't it genuinely physically impossible to make him look 'slender' cause that shit isn't fat?? it's MUSCLES he's literally not even fat, he's bulky. What the fuck are they thinking, is the whole friendgroup stupid??
Also imma be honest, even he's getting a bit annoying with all this "I'm gonna go on a diet" bullshit. Like babe did you not watch Weight Lifting fairy Kim Bok Joo??? Don't do all of that for a man, GET UP
So that was all for nothing?... I waited for this for years for nothing??? WHAT