I hope no one forces him to keep the baby, cuz that shit always happens in omegverses. It should always be the omegas choice. And if he decides last minute to keep the baby, that’s fine too.

I completely agree. It is completely AND only the carriers choice. Nobody had the right to force them [carrier] to keep the child. Having a child is an important dedication, and if they do not feel that it is time, then nobody has the right to force the responsibility onto them. It’s not fair and it’s not right.

Can I also say that it still depends on the place/country where the person lives? Cause certainly each countries have different out view on this matter specially when it comes to the topic of abortion. In some countries abortion can be considered as a crime, not all countries have legalized abortion so please not all the time the phrases her body her own choice cause that doesn't work all the time.
Please to those who are unaware of their own countries laws and oblivious to it when it comes to abortion don't just perform it just because everyone says here "Your body, your choice." If you are planning in having one please know the facts first or you might end up in jail for breaking the law just because people here who lives in a country where abortion is legal says it's ok. Remember the saying ignorance of the law excuses no one.

That’s another issue. Unfortunately Abortion is illegal in some places and those who want to have an abortion risk being jailed. But we should still encourage “your body , your choice”. This phrase can encourage those to disagree with the government and make a change . So many people have taken this phrase and changed lives all over the world. Of course there are issues that still aren’t resolved, but when people have courage and know that they have the right to make a choice, change may happen. So please, never stop saying “your body, your choice”, these words can change someone’s life.

Well not in the country where I live. Such action if proven guilty can cause a lifetime imprisonment for a mother since we don't have death penalty and the highest punishment can someone get is a lifetime imprisonment. It is a sad reality abortion here is never an option unless the health of the mother is in danger then abortion can be possible but if not then that will be purely murder of a child's life.
That's why I'm saying not everyone has the privilege to live up to this phrase cause if they do and they live in the country which has the same law as the country where I live they might as well throwing away their life once they throw away the baby in their belly. A lifetime imprisonment has a minimum of 40 years of imprisonment and that is not a joking matter adding to that the record which forever be attached in their names. That is a very sad reality, even those women who conceived a child born from a forced sexual act can't abort the child cause if they do then they will also going to be punished accordingly. You are lucky if you live in a country where they allow it for the least you can have a say to your own body but if not then I prefer for you guys not to encourage since this might affect their future if they ever decide to do it and got caught breaking the law.

Kaeya is the hottest individual to ever be created and I would let him force feed me a Twinkie and say thank you afterwords. This man deserves NO SLANDER! My friends hate on him all the time and it’s pisses me off, I’m glad to see the Kaeya simps rising from the ashes, it makes me feel like I’m not alone. LMAO IM JUST RANTING AT THIS POINT! E N WAYS..... I WANT TO POLITELY ASK KAEYA IF I CAN CARESS HIS PRECIOUS CHEST
That bitch is lucky that she’s a fictional character, or else I would have beaten the shit out of her and put a curse on her family.