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raimu July 15, 2021 9:53 pm

am i the only one who laughed so hard at the king and daniel's abrupt death? like it's not funny but it's just so weird how they both suddenly died in just a span of a chapter

    raimu July 15, 2021 9:54 pm

    and the king's cause of death was so embarrasing

raimu July 15, 2021 12:48 pm

i am so mad at myself. i absolutely despise r*pe and don't condone it in any way but i have so many fantasies of it happening to myself

    Sephielya July 15, 2021 1:36 pm

    Don't be mad at yourself, it's not uncommon! One is real and the other is fabricated and safe. Look up "consensual nonconsent".

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reading bl mangas is my night shift job // discord: Sekkai#9722

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