Taejoon is an a******* for cutting him that way it's not like Yoon run away without telling him his destination nor the nature of his job.... Why the F***** sake you're going to be in relationship with a reporter who's going to risk his life for a picture in a war field????? ..... Is this how you cut tie with someone that you literally cheated on him?..... What goes around comebacks around just stay the f**** out if his life.... Taejoon's bf you need to get check you're toxic and a f******* a****** you played taejoon on telling him stories that he forced himself on you well he didn't good job on this tarjoon deserve someone as f******* up as you but going around Yoon and showing yourself during the interview is so pathetic of your stinky a*** you knew he was alive and hide the truth.

I'm in my late twenties and I really do look like a 12 years old, police officer or when I'm about to buy anything like cigarettes alcohol my ID is always on check and they even try to make sure it's not a fake ID ... I daily go for a 20 min of check( they enter my id information in the system) whenever I wear makeup high heels ... People keeps staring and making bad comments about me that I should be going to primary school not acting like a wh*** and my parents failed to educate me... So many hurtful things while I'm old whatever I do i still look young i can't get any taller nor any fat my face is a still a baby face small hands small feet small waist my voice is still a baby voice...... whenever I buy clothes they need to be arranged by a tailor, even my girlfriend was called pedophile on social media whenever she posted a picture of us .... And my whole family is like that except my big brothers

Sadly we are in a world where differences can't be accepted nor tolerated, it doesn't bother me that Yul looks like eight years old I do look very young and I go through a daily hardships in anything I do, and I do feel the author pain about the negative comments that she's receiving about Yul and their age because these comments and Jugements I receive them daily for looking like. A kid. God created me like this I can't create myself and I do love myself like this does it make me a sick person? No. Is my girlfriend a pedophile? No since my body looks like 12 I'm at my late twenties ... I do have the right to love and smoke and do whatever I want since i'm at a legal age but my body doesn't grow and I love it . Don't I have the right to have sex or whatever I want since I look like a kid? Of course not I do whatever I want since I'm not, does my gf deserve to receive malicious comment about our relationship? No she's normal since i'm not a kid... My grand ma and grand pa are at their eighties and both they both don't have a single wrinkle they look like they are at their twenties... I guess that I'm blessed knowing that even though I will grew no botox or any surgery is needed to look young ... Thank you for your positive comment

This is true bc im 22y/o going 23 this june but ppl around me still think im in grade school like wtf?? Im not even that short im 5'4 but i have a very small frame and young looking face so every time i go out ppl would ask me how old i am or why didn't i finish school when in fact i graduated college when i was 19 then they would look at me funny bc i like to color my hair fun colors and dress up maturely saying why do i look like that... That i should be in school and not be a dissapointment to my parents like they know me at all.

I’ve never exactly had a problem with him looking younger it was more the inconsistency that got me annoyed because even the guy the other one in the top he’s also very inconsistent with tell me how the other two characters the two blondes look consistent and it gets me really annoyed it has nothing to do with him just looking young it’s more the inconsistency of him looking like a baby bird and then a stick man otherwise he just has a really cute feminine face
I am looking for raws and to see if he will get his nasty burry kicked (●'◡'●)ノ