So there are actually two ghosts, heesoo’s ex and a creepy classmate from highschool who was obsessed with heesoo. The ghost from highschool is starting to appear apart from 2:22am at night, showing up at work, at the apartment, and in front of heesoo’s neighbor. There’s a flash back with heesoo’s ex and their mutual friend saying that he feels weird bc he suddenly gets mad and smth about him taking out money from his account. The last chapter from this season has heesoo’s ex showing up inside the home looking calm and the creepy classmate banging his head on the window trying to get in and making heesoo’s ex disappear. We also know it’s the ex bc they give a pov of him when he was first trying to lure heesoo and then hyun hugged him from behind. He felt jealous and that’s when we also get insight of how jealous the ex is bc even in highschool, the ex hated when heesoo would talk to people
does this mf not drink any water IT WAS BROWNNN
Omg noo wait i though he just poured alcohol on him wtf