Can she NOT try to justify reeze's every action??? Oh my god this is frustrating af

I don't think it's that frustrating. I mean it's just making the character more 3d, you still can hate her. Afterall it'd make less sense if half the things she was doing wasn't justified. I be way more frustrated if reeze wasn't giving a Lil explanation for plot and I still don't like her character AT ALL.

th keeps on tolerating and justifying her every action. If you look at the last few panels of the latest chapters, reeze is clearly going too far. ◉‿◉ I can't help but to be frustrated of how she's being shielded every time she does something wrong (sorry if this sounds weird (・_・;) English isn't my first language )

Nah, I get you. I don’t think anyone's tolerating it; it’s more about the storytelling because she was tricking people for so long. I agree she’s gone too far, which is why I dislike her character. I don't think she's plot-shielded—they're just setting up reasons before showing her inevitable punishment and breaking point. I’m sure she’ll get the bad ending she deserves (probably thrown in a dungeon or beheaded). But this is one of the first times I saw a manwha of this genre actually give the reverse villainess an actual decent reason to act how they are (even if they are a piece of shit)
This is too funny