22 days
24 days
27 12,2024
03 12,2024
27 09,2024
22 08,2024
13 08,2024
Seme like uke (uke/bottom that either looks or acts like a seme/top)
Seme x Seme
Shorter hair
Tsundere maybe
Similar Physique/Body Portions as Seme
taller ukes
edit: = good story/plot (not for the smut), cuz im tired of looking for something to read/reread for their good story
wat i mean for, "Seme like Uke (looks)" i rlly only mean their face.
If I mean their body i'ld put "Similar Physique/Body Portions as Seme" OR “as a (Stereotypical) Seme”
25 07,2024
22 07,2024
16 01,2024