scry created a topic of Jungle Juice
scry created a topic of The World After The Fall

Bros getting dragged along this ep. Andersen needs to stop picking fights its getting annoying smh.

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scry created a topic of Dreadful Night

PrOGRESSS ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

scry followed a goer

i'm the creator of omniscient fucker's viewpoint. idk how it got here.

14 01,2024

Too repetitive for me lol, and shes so ughhh especially as someone from the modern world. Strong in all the wrong places

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scry created a topic of The World After The Fall

Idkk, andersensss kinda annoying me tbh. Cuz jaehwans a god right? And hes sm stronger than everyone else, but the keep treating him like a pushover? Idk, dont like lolol

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this is a list full of forbidden things! mostly oneshot
(༎ à·´ à¼Ž)
✓weird but HOT 

i do not support any of these genres!! and if you're a minor(18 y/o&below) STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RN DON'T READ ANY OF THESE!! it won't do u any good it just gonna mess with ur head. if you're an adult, u can read but DON'T copy any of the actions in the manga/manhwa. istg if i see u in hell for doing things like that

27 12,2023
scry created a topic of Kill the Dragon

I hope Lee Han eventually dismantles Arc

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19 12,2023
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scry followed a list


Smuts with Plot & Consent

Will add-
Straight love
But no bl cause there is plenty bl's in this site already.


14 11,2023