The uke did not cheat, I think he has this pervert magnet like all the other mangas uke do. But the seme got pissed because he and the uke’s other ex met before that in uni (lots of piercing guy) and u know the usual brainwashing stuff happened. Seme ignored the uke for a bit and than the uke dressed up as a girl and went to talk to him.
I do not know how to read or write Japanese, so to understand this manga I went through the whole manga 3/4 times
The plot is very simple to understand. But I may be wrong too. Take my spoiler with a grain of salt.
And in chapter 4, uke’s past is being told. It seems his family is not financially stable so he started doing photo shoots like the porn kind ones and helps his dad pay the bills/debt I guess. But one guy from school caught him (the guy with the same kind of piercings the uke has) and than you know what will happen “RAPE” (if you’ve read lots of yaoi you will know the plot by now). But the uke already likes the mc seme. And than later he starts selling himself (it seems in a manga it’s the easiest way of making money). And he drops out of uni.

From the first chapter I could already seeing these happening. It seems a good amount of Yaoi takes from the same plot. And honestly I don't see how selling your body is the easiest thing to do for these guys. I'd work at a Japanese 7/11 any day. Selling yourself just seems more work then normal work.

Yaoi sekai group said that they were dropping this manga since it got licensed. Buy it on e-bookrenta. 1080 yen for 1000 points. 200 points for 1 chapter. It’s pretty fair pricing.

Thank you for your answers. English is not my usually language, so most of my mangas are not in english. But if I find a hard copy of it I would definitely buy it, as I really loved the first chapters. ( ̄へ ̄)
I'm simple und fall easy in love with the characters. And there is not much boyslove I don't like... But this one I really, really love!
Thank you for your suggestions!
I just started with collecting viewfinder. I have the others on my list here too. At the moment I often search for hard copies (normally in my mother language).

Just by seeing the raws( only seeing not reading) I can tell that the uke did not have sex with his brother’s bf. they were about to I guess, but that’s just what I saw. I hate it that he seduced his own brother’s bf and tried to have sex with him. I hate cheaters and who cheats. And if they did have sex it’s unforgivable.

I wonder how long this manga is. I've seen the raws from 1-12 in yaoi otaku forum but there seems to be more then that.

link or name of the page, please?

RAWS (ongoing):
Ch.1 - Ch.11: http://imgbox.com/g/6P8oCv8yIh
Ch.12 - Ch.22: http://imgbox.com/g/A9tU9EqSO4
Thought of writing a long ass hate paragraph but by reading the comment sections people have already written so much so I would just like to add
“I love sensei’s lack of creativity!! Go girl!!! give us nothing”