what makes hak's panel hurt even more is that everytime yona lost someone, hak lost them too—his father figure, his best friend, his dragon friends— literally everyone and he takes it just as hard it's so refreshing to see a male lead whose world doesn't just revolve around the FL and doesn't care about everybody else
2024-07-04 23:01 marked
2024-06-15 06:40 marked
theyre soooooo insane i love them so dearly .. the relationship between kou and ginga is part of what makes the story so good!! i love you ginga my son
2024-06-02 01:38 marked
ngl this was actually not surprising, but i'm gonna be honest it's a nice welcome. though they were both obviously in love with yuuzen, and they initially started their little situationship to comfort their broken hearts, but judging by both of their reactions during 1) the doctor reveal and 2) kou's nosebleed over yuuzen AND ginga, it's pretty clear that their relationship wasn't purely sexual. i think they both did end up liking each other too and personally i love it, almost better than the mc. but i'm also a sucker for non traditional a/b/o relationships (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2024-06-02 01:37 marked
how real this is. `The current arc. it is so relatable. shows us the whole human spectrum of emotions etc. I can relate a lot to both! I can empathise with both. and both are right. and I feel much more for the seme rn. it is different. yes, I empathise a lot for the uke. I understand him. I don't blame him either. but one person was preoccupied by his past and his fears of a what if scenario. the other was invested in the present. then he realised that his boyfriend wasn't even in the present with him, but living in the past and future. so he realised they were disconnected. and he didn't notice until strangers coincidentally created a situation that made him aware of the disconnect that went unnoticed for who knows how long.

it hurts to realise you were somewhere completely different than someone you thought you are intimate with on something (be it lover, friend or family). it makes you doubt a lot of things and doubt means uncertainty and that is very unsettling. very saddening. makes us afraid on a very fundamental level. dude just realised his boyfriend was projecting his ex on him, didn't feel on the same not as him about their relationship and level of intimacy, trust and commitment to the relationship (their "us") and heard from strangers first about something that has deep meaning between these two and is the pillar of their connection. Some people don't get it. But this is deep.

My mother is a very understanding and open-minded woman. But one thing she will not forgive is making her be in a situation like him. Where she hears about something important from strangers about me and doesn't know what to say. That feeling is something she asked of us very early to never ever make her feel. She doesn't ask much of us. But this was one of those. Loyalty is really big for us. Do whatever you want, but never put her in that situation where she feels betrayed. Even if it's not true. It happened. The situation is what it is.

He had so much time to tell him. I get a few days to digest things and calm down and sort out your head. But dude literally waited until they did a goodbye party for him....and was STILL contemplating telling his boyfriend about it....like he took it to far man..
2024-05-31 05:27 marked
Man I feel so bad for both of them. We all obvi can agree Torikai must feel awful and what Yajima did was hurtful but for some reason a lot of people seem to not be able to see Yajima's side of the story at all?? He found out Torikai's achievement not through him, his literal lover, but through random locker room conversation. Then Yajima internalised Torikai's confession, thinking that he must have thought he and his ex boyfriend were "on the same level" and was hurt that he didn't view their relationship the same way. People are getting mad at Yajima because "like we saw before, Torikai is insecure and worried because of his past experiences so it's horrible for him to yell yada yada" as if Yajima knew?? Like huh? How the fuck was Yajima supposed to know if Torikai never talked to him about it before? Am I crazy lmao. Like I would be fucking pissed if I was in Yajima's position icl.

Tldr: They're both in the right imo, stop villainising Yajima pls Also why does everyone gotta pick sides all the time?
2024-05-31 05:24 marked
Imagine if Sehyuk replied to Hamin as, "You're still walking, so it looks like I should've fucked you harder." ☠
2024-05-31 05:07 marked
Holy shit the art is so good? In Side 4, in the frame where MC is getting out of bed, the foreshortning on the arm is so nice. The line on that separates the hand from the rest of the arm? It's so fucking clean? And, Holy shit, his left leg that's bent? It's drawn so well, it makes me so fucking happy oh my god
2024-05-31 05:06 marked
Heyo, Im just sharing links to the Jp raws. Purchased by me; from cmoa.jp
In case anyone wanted to buy from there yourself, best way for US foreigner is Paypal, each chapter is like 2-3USD rounding up. (つ˘◡˘)づ

Anyway on the the chapters, i might update/edit this comment when newer ch. come out. Cropped to the best of my abilities and hopefully the 1st pic in each file is beg. Chapter.

Chapter 8: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12zvVJ3tOZ6YORykNepHNGVqhyVSaePEl

Chapter 9:

File that holds all the Chapter bought/will be bought:

Enjoy! If this upsets anyone or a lot of ppl ill take it down but if not it shall stay! (▰˘◡˘▰)

Edit: just to say ♡Happy to share and acknowledged the thanks♡

Edit 2: Im going to remove any chapters before 8 link to shorten the post but theyll still be available in the group link.
2024-05-05 00:41 marked
dude I try to understand where woo won's coming from but it's so freaking frustrating. he's always talking about trying to grow and change, and ultimately being able to overcome his issues for himself. But the thing is, he's not gonna overcome shit, he's just doing what he has been doing for a long time, and somehow getting himself more in debt, and for what? a couple of months at most with a little peace before his dad comes back to do the same thing, cause he knows woo won won't put a stop to his behavior. He needs help, because he clearly does not have the capacity to overcome this by himself and get himself out of this toxic cycle with his father.
2024-04-13 22:55 marked
I need full on spoilers cuzz will he end up with the black dude that wants to F him??
2024-04-13 07:15 marked
Does anyone have link to the raws?
2024-04-13 07:12 marked
can someone give me the raws pls
2024-04-03 08:05 marked

I just went through my gallery and found those old screenshots from devils and realist just wondering how was this not a bl And that inspired me to make this

2024-03-05 21:08 marked
to @Jujucat
im a new to this manhwa, idk if readers realize this but ch 9 not here.. i will back again after the chapter complete.. thankyouuu
2024-03-05 05:32 marked
Everything about this story is perfect?? Like I never read a bl with a plot like this?? The artstyle is so pretty too :3 I need more
2024-03-02 18:45 marked
I swear to god this story is my everything I love them both so much and want them to be happy. They're both slowly healing each others' old wounds but it's a painful process and they're not sure of each other's feelings ;A;
Literally every little thing they do has me kicking and screaming, from their fights to all their tender moments and little gestures.
2024-03-02 05:58 marked
Anyone got any manga or novel recommendations in this genre? I’ll even read fanfic ;)
2024-02-23 07:55 marked
I saw the raw.. warning spoiler below:

Continue to chapter2 - The one who will help the UKE get out of that facility is that hot daddy delivery man, this delivery man actually has his own contribution in the story.

So the big revelation: The Seme ML (alpha) actually already have a mate OMEGA ( ̄∀ ̄), it happened when they were highschool, he accidentally met an OMEGA in heat, he mated him and then marked him. Yes, it's all accidental, but this ML typically the alpha who can't control his dick when he met a omega in heat in street, make sense why he react like that when he saw a omega in heat on the restaurant.

Anyway, so that OMEGA he mated is actually that delivery man partner(lover). That's the reason why the delivery man helping the SEME. It is to break the mate(curse) of his lover, and so he helping on experiment by making the MC an omega or something. But he felt guilty and wrong, so help the MC at the latter.

Welp, in the end they sorted it out, talking etc. drama etc. and finale both couples got a happy ending, the MC and ML have a daughter at the end of story. That all. Very much welcome. (′~` )
2024-02-23 05:23 marked

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