I think the twins are being pretty reasonable. They were teens when they died. Sure, they should be mentally in their twenties, but remember that from the moment they were reborn, they got neglected and abused for YEARS. No one told them anything, and they only had each other to depend on. Their only wish was to escape their shitty situation. Suddenly the family they didn’t think they had comes knocking at their door after their insane mother dies right in front of them.
Think about it. Would you trust strangers who you just met, your so called “family” who admit to ignoring your existence for years? Would you trust a father who you overheard say he wanted to kill you before you were born? They’re not actually kids, so they only know one way on how children are made. They didn’t ask to be born, it’s all on the parents.
They’re adults? Yes, and no. Yes, they’ve been conscious for over twenty years, but that’s means nothing if they don’t get exposed to life as an adult. It means nothing if they’ve been subject to long-term abuse. Your environment is what shapes you, not your age. Age means nothing.
So they hate the royal family. So what. They’ll happily play along with the royal family, not because they want to, but because they would literally die anywhere else.
Lastly, although I feel really bad for Jason, I still don’t think the twins are 100% to blame. They don’t even know they have a guardian because no one told them they’re supposed to have one, top that with the details the from above. At least 80% of the blame should be attributed to their insane mother, and the royal family’s terriblement method of dealing with their illegitimate children. The rest of the blame can go to their misunderstanding of the royal family, but again, years of abuse leading to lack of trust won’t make anyone give you the benefit of the doubt. Their action should are justified.

I agree, as you said they were just teens when they died in their previous life and then started over as babies in their current life so even though technically they're in their 20s mentally doesn't mean they know how to act as adults, they were kids when they died and became young kids again, never getting the chance to know how an adult should act or be mature.
Even if they were still teens getting abused like that I do t think their mentality would be much different.
And as you said, over hearing the emporer saying what he did can definitely give them trust issues, I think if they were actual 5 year olds they wouldn't get it but I think that's where their older mentality kicks in to where they understand what he said.

But they don’t trust anybody though, they know the maids and butlers don’t like them and the nobles and the nobles children despise them. they trust no one but each other and it’s pretty clear in all the dialogue. They don’t really trust the duke? (I can’t remember his name) and his son either, but I think they more leaned to him because he was acting like he liked ‘illegitimate’ children and even offered one to be their servant ‘so they wouldn’t be alone’ but it doesn’t mean they trust him, they were just excited to see someone that was like them.
I think the closest you could say they trust in a human is Ishina (the head maid) and it’s not because they like her it’s just that they ‘trust?’ Her not to lie to them, they can ask her a question and she will answer as honestly as she can.
That priest wants to take an 8 year old to do dangerous things in dangerous places under the name of protecting her... does he understand what he's even saying???
Then again, when has religion not been hypocritical? Maybe the religion itself isn't hypocritical, but its representatives are definitely the weakest link.
The problem is the people, not the religion itself. As always.
exactly, thank you.
Religion,priest,power God doesn't stand for all that the people who use his name in vain and start thinking oh because I'm a follower of god I have power over others so they start falsely preaching and manipulating others in the name of god which is why people have a terrible image and a hard time when it comes to building a relationship and trust with him I heard that there are people going around beating up people of the LGBTQ community in the name of Christianity as a Christian myself I am ashamed of those kinds of people because GOD doesn't teach to hate but love he loves all of his creations even those in the LGBTQ community it's just the sin that he doesn't love the rode that some take that he doesn't love but because of certain people like that,that claim Christianity his put in a bad light and because of those people the faith that us as people have in him weakens and that's what triggers demons to come and taunt us constantly giving insecurity and all these other negative thoughts Idc if you believe me or not I just want you to know that what others define you as is not who you are but you can always find yourself in God
What was it agian? Um... WOOF WOOF BARK BARK