Cyxx created a topic of Write Me, Touch Me, Read Me

We eating good fellas

Cyxx created a topic of Rivalry

Communication is so fucking hot

Cyxx created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Have freaky sex with your office crush? Done
Become fuck buddies with your office crush? Done
Become boyfriends with your office crush? Done
Have freaky sex and make love with your boyfriend? Done
Make your boyfriend squirt inside you? Done

I love my silly idiots so much

Cyxx created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

They are straight up demons. The father? Disgusting freak ass pedo he’s nothing more than a walking cum stain. The son? Straight up psychopath and sociopath, should be locked up.
The pairs in this story can be summarized as first pair: first love, second pair: enemies to lovers, third pair(?): straight up true crime.

Cyxx created a topic of Wolf In The House

That’s the post

Cyxx created a topic of Steel Under Silk

To the chapters in which you could tell they actually love each other. Went on walks, cuddled, laughed together, kissed sweetly… haaaah… good times

Cyxx created a topic of A First of Summers

If I had a penny for every time there’s miscommunication in a manga/manhwa I’d have a fUCKING LOTS OF PENNIES. I’D BE A BILLIONAIRE AT THIS POINT IS2G CANT WE SWITCH IT UP IS IT SO HARD TO COMMUNICATE OMFG

Cyxx created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Put that little ass mf bitch in his space. He’s as if a dried cum stain talked, he doesn’t have the right to talk shit about others.

Cyxx created a topic of Ao to Midori

But I’ll literally die if something bad ever happens to them they’re so precious I wanna put then in my pocket and protect them from all evil

Cyxx created a topic of Showered With Love

I know for sure you didn’t forget about those toys, now what’s in the bag and what’s with the gloves

Did they fuck in front of his friends and comrades corpses? (Somehow that called my attention more than him getting drilled by a dragon lmao) that’s insane

Cyxx created a topic of Salty Lust

Slay the house down boots Houston I’m deceaseddd. King got 5 hot men on the palm of his hand doing whatever he wants with whoever he wants and whenever he wants. I aspire to have this level of power and rizz

Cyxx created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

But Jigu takes it too far like sweetie… you’re not right in the head. Ilysm but I can’t defend you any longer, you’re the embodiment if boy failure

Cyxx created a topic of Jinx


Cyxx created a topic of Unrequited Love Rendezvous

In a weird way, but cute nonetheless

Cyxx created a topic of Swallow You Whole

There’s been something from the very beginning about Lord Mugo that is so appealing. Like fuck that guy metaphorically and physically; while sir Mugo is just fishy… like too gentlemanly, and idk if it’s my trust issues tingling but he doesn’t sound like good news, even less now that even if he knows that Lord Mugo hates confined spaces his “library” is basically a small walk in closet

Cyxx created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

If I had a dream like that and next thing I knew he took me out to see the moon cuz I said I liked it, I would’ve whipped his dick out and wring it dry cuz holy shit he’s hot and a massive green flag

Cyxx created a topic of Honey Trouble

His main goal isn’t to hurt you, but he doesn’t give a single fuck if you get hurt in the process cuz he’s a man child. Hot or not this is a manipulative and gaslighting asshole who only cares about himself

Cyxx created a topic of Bloody Hell

“So despite all of the gang members knowing that my son is gonna be the successor, there’re some guys that think you’d be a better fit. We can’t have that, so I sent you instead of the guys, far away to be killed and now we’re holding a memorial service for you… but you’re here… might as well kill you now”

Cyxx created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Blue is more than capable of killing the shit stain right there; he’s taller, stronger and overall surpasses him in every aspect. But he’s choosing to get hit in order to protect Helm.