please update! why is it completed in spanish not english ┗( T﹏T )┛

I finished watching right now(▰˘◡˘▰)

Did anyone read chapter 20??

Hmmm.. when bum said he doesn't feel anything, I don't think he meant that he doesn't feel guilty/remorse for killing that girl. I think that he is feeling too much at once and as a result his emotion simply shut of (not sure if I'm explaining this right).
I do that sometimes when I under a lot of stress. When life, family circumstance and work become too much for me to handle, instead of becoming more depress, I just become emotionless to everything.

What specifically made you feel that way? Was there some kind of indication from Bum that he was actually feeling guilty about killing her? I know a lot of people were hoping that Bum was actually a good person and was going to get away from Sangwoo, but the truth seems to be that they're a match made in hell. I wonder if they'll live happily ever after or if one will kill the other?

Its just how I interpret ch 19. Bum mind is very chaotic, He was overlapping reality with his past. he no longer see Jieun, he saw the girl from his past. In his emotional outburst, he let go everything he bottle up for that girl. When he stab Jieun, I get the feeling that he isn't seeing it as a reality. After that, bum is still not seeing Jieun.
After a few panel of silence from bum, then we get this "she's dead, she was alive few seconds ago, but now she's dead. I did it, I kill her". At this point I think bum suddenly realized the severity of his action, that he just kill a real person. This is where I think bum felt guilty but there's too many emotional roller coaster at once so his emotion just shut of. When you don't feel anything, then you won't be hurt.
I get why a lot of people still see bum as good person even though he kill. Its because his motive is different from sangwoo who actively search of his victims. Umm... how do I say this, person A kill someone because he enjoy it and the public rejected him, person B kill someone who is his/her abuser / kill for self defense / killing to protect someone. both action is the same, but one is rejected and the other is understandable / sympathize / accepted by the public. Because the public don't judge it by the action but the motive behind that action.
My interpretation may be wrong, we just have to wait for season 2, to see how it go.

This is a valid interpretation. It's not the only possible way to see it, but I intuitively feel some truth there. I can imagine being overwhelmed and emotionally shutting down after all that.
I don't think Bum is all good or all bad--that would be too simple. But I don't think he lacks the capacity for empathy as Sangwood does. He may start doing things that are just as bad, but Bum's personality is still different. Sangwoo is still the cold, clear thinking psychopath who manipulates Bum, and Bum is still the person with a weak sense of self and inner neediness who acts on emotion.
Does anybody knows where can I find rest of this in english:)
If you find out, man, let me know. :D