Heo Jeong-woo, a high school student who is bullied by a girl in his class for his weakness. Han Bo-...
To be honest, I saw a TikTok slide of this and thought it was interesting, and in the current 16chap i noticed quite a lot of some predicted plot and how this is gonna be so twisted. At first i was annoyed in the boy for stopping her from severing eunso's face but quite understandable and you can see that the boy is actually thinking and using his brain.chap 13: I think the plan was awesome, if the live was successful then it would make eunso more furious, which is good and has a higher chance of affecting eunso's mental state if she lose the respect or people gang up on her, and specially if her mother saw a vid of the plan, too bad ig.
I stopped at chap13 im not really alr with the fl not really thinking ahead and underestimating the bullies, i got second hand embarrassment from idk where and accidentally shouted wtf and called her an idiot bitch, I apologize.