Am I the only one waiting for the manga so I can read it without spoilers, and then watch the anime?! I have a feeling Shige is more disgusted that he was left in the dark...

I have watched the anime. .
& believe me it won't spoil you everything that happened in the anime has already happened in the manga (well I would wait for them to makeup first before watching). Basically the manga is portraying it differently and has a lot more explanations, but I have to say that in the anime chapter 11 & 12 are very well done especially the emotions Ken shows.

It's not like people change completely overnight and it's unrealistic; however, not having any improvement is also absurd- the uke of the first story never got anything right till the end. And what with this shit about "i don't mind you controlling my life as long as you love me". The worst- trying to make it all cute by portraying it as a SxM relationship. SxM is NOT about a person not having a backbone. In both stories, it felt like the author just wanted a boyfriend to manage and control her life so she can be "in love" with him.

I also thought so. I think he didn't even try getting better. I mean, if you can't do something well, you ask, fo investment, etc.
I just couldn't with that character.
I didn't like that part when Takagi forbids him to meet with his friend and he was like "Sorry, I won't do something you don't like". He was a controller!!
Maybe you're right and we're too old to see this as a cute and romantic story.

Exactly! Forbidding him meeting his friends is the part that annoyed me the most. I mean, I've seen real-life couples and some of them having controlling BF/GF and they never ended up well. I wish to read a story about a matured couple. Any recommendations? Thank you in advance...
PS: Sorry for the late reply, went on a trip to East Asia and just came back...
Kiriya's life is becoming so sad and complicated, now I have to take back the mean things I've said about him for hurting Hizuru.
Why? How does what happened to Kiriya make it okay what he did to Hizuru? If anything's cruel, THAT is. Poor Hizuru.
And what about how he treated KAZUTO?
Ha ha, I feel you... I still haven't forgiven him for that :) The anger is mixed with empathy now...