im sorry if I’m mistaken but i feel like i missed some things or is it just the style of the author, like for example, near to the end, when elena tells boris she cannot get used to him making that face (pretty sure the one he makes when looking at sehyeon) but we don’t get to see it, or that awful scene when the two motherfuckers go after sehyeon all the way to his flat and r*ape him but then they get all scared about something sehyeon did and we don’t get to see what was it, i say this bc im intrigued but maybe im just overthinking things, ANYWAYS THIS IS SUCH A HEARTBREAKING STORY BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM SO HAPPY THAT THE END IS SO EMOTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL I CRIED A FUCKING LOT, MY BABIES DESERVE ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD. tho im so angry over the fact thatTHE FUCKING BASTARD, that michael ended up alive but i guess that’s his punishment after all, to stay alive without love or affection from anybody
About the rape scene during the end… I think Sehyun started hurting himself thinking about how he was worthless and about he he would also ruin the people next to him is he stayed with them. Because right before that, Michael had raped him and told him the exact same things. When being raped again after that, at the party, it might have reminded him of his past and led to him agreeing with what Michael said. But he didn’t want to go back to Michael or hurt anyone he now cherished so he tried to commit suicide. But thankfully, Boris stopped him and reassured him that he’s not like that at all.
I’m really looking forward to know how this is gonna turn out in the end! IM SO EXCITED THE FLASHBACK ENDED SO WE CAN GO FOR THE REAL DRAMAAA I really like this kind of stories that start right in the middle of the main problem then we caught up with the current events and the real thing is just about to star HOLD ON EVERYBODY THIS IS GONNA BE A HELL OF A RIDE
IN SO MANY WAYS ╥﹏╥aaaa they were so good, i usually don’t like the idea of “sharing” a lover, but the concept of the parallel universe was really heartbreaking and clever bc i was wondering what would’ve come to those two if those awful things didn’t happen honestly i couldn’t bring myself to hate jihyun THOUGH HE REALLY FUCKD EVERYTHING UP AND DESERVED NOT BEING FORGIVEN it’s just that the author made him a really likeable guy and i REALLY felt so sorry for him when he cried watching chiwoo and kyujin together, made me say fUCK MAN WHY DIS YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH AN ASSHOLE YOU TWO COULDVE BEEN HAPPY bUT in the other hand I REALLY LOVE MAH PRETTY PUPPY KYUJIN IM IN TEARS I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH AND CHIWOO was such a great character too, I THANK THE AUTHOR FOR THE LAST TWO CHAPTERS PF THE SIDE STORIES ┗( T﹏T )┛
what chapter are we on? Cuz im getting confused reading the comments pls someone help!
chap 51 your welcome :D
Thanks a lot, so i guess the folks are talking bout the Korean version that is way ahead lol!!
Yh I don't usually go to the comments cause ik there's always one asshole who will spoil the manwhua