the alpha is so stupid and legit cant take it when people have boundaries or remove consent

mangotea answered question about chat about anything
i block people on sights where if I do block them I'll never see their content again. Blocking people on this sight seems useless because does any even talk to eachother using this sight .
mangotea created a topic of Profundis


mangotea answered question about question
simba in his edgy 2016 era
mangotea created a topic of Liveta

is it just me or did the art style change to where the black haired guy looks like a newborn baby face

mangotea created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain is a doormat and it shows. any normal person would of screamed at jooin for being selfish but instead this man is still being patient when we all know dam well jooin still loves yawhi but he wants his "revenge". Just get with yawhi already and when you're relationship goes to hell don't come crying back to Cain

mangotea created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain needs to tell jooin to fuck himself.
yawhi and jooin can end up together because the authors isn't even trying to say "HEY maybe jooin will end up with Cain" thy are making it so obvious what the fuck is going to happen.

Cain better fall in love with someone hotter richer and overall smarter then jooin (let's make sure they don't look 12 like jooin does)

mangotea created a topic of Ijime-kko ni fukushū!

the friend Is really strange with the whole treating their relationship as if it was a live yoai.... ew..(⊙…⊙ )

mangotea answered question about eat without getting fat
you know what I hate the most. When the ML will do some crazy shit like raping/abusing or stalking the MC and then they'll come out with the whole. Mama and papa died when I was younger so I decided to be a bitch. We all know who I'm talking about

I'll be listing my reasons

. I feel as if the MC has some sort guilt for not reciprocating the MLs feeling
. the fact this the MC was raped but still didn't get the time he needed to heal is crazy
. the MC look like a child I won't even lie to you
. the MLs pOsSeSiVeNeSs is not attractive it's straight up concerning
.this pheromone issue needs to be resolved before they fuck in every 2-3 chapters
. I can't bet you this is going into the unexpected pregnancy trope
.how tf is the ML so rich as a teacher (I defo missed something)
once again the MC looks like a new born baby

HONESTLY if you guys like it ignore me reason I just have a hatred for this that I don't even know where it came from. However go ahead and read it if you have no taste .

he's finally found out the truth about taemin I've been waiting for this one

mangotea created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

and pls let that be if folks because this has an unhealthy grip on me even though I don't like reading it

mangotea asked question about read 1000 manga or more

I'm saying this because why and how do people keep finding weird shitty questions from as far back as 2018. Also why bring it up now it's ruining everyone's day.

mangotea created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

the dad needs to get beaten up too but I need to see the woman a bloodied mess.

in all honesty cirrus is better then me fr cause I would of started trying to kill this woman a long time ago

mangotea created a topic of Little Bit Psycho

I can't understand what anyone can do to get this sort of "punishment". watch it be because he rejected a girl who wanted to marry him

mangotea answered question about first yaoi
I thought gojo X Elsa was made because people thought gojo was Jack frost but older
mangotea created a topic of Yours to Claim
mangotea created a topic of Profundis

chicken brings people together. that's crazy.

mangotea answered question about still a virgin
a positive pregnancy test.
mangotea answered question about stay at home for several days
how tf did this even resurface