mangotea answered question about question
well I want you to be specific about when the forums were funny, all I see is those make your own characters things. Because before the forums were unusable cause of the mangago crisis with authors reporting it. When it was 2016 - 2021 Everyone and I mean everyone was arguing about something.And if it wasn't that someone was getting revealed as a ......
mangotea answered question about question
as soon as they started mentioning sex in every single question I knew my score wasn't getting any lower. And since when was taking a shower with someone 10 years over then you crazy (Parents????As a kid)The person who got lower then 40 who's dog are you fucking
mangotea created a topic of Pieta (DAONG)

what the fuck is this. I'm crying I had to fucking put my phone down and get my bible after the first chapter. I'm squeeling like a pig in pain. I wouldnt wish this shit on even fucking on my worst enemy what the hell. When I say I like it freaky I don't mean this what Whay what. I'm choking on my saliva please help

mangotea created a topic of Beware of the Villainess!

I know I know that considering where this originated from this was unrealistic for me to expect. However I feel like the ending could have been better is nine Yuri and Melissa ended up together.

I'm so fucking confused if Yuri ended up alone and lamenting the fact she didn't end up with Melissa or if she got with some random guy.

mangotea answered question about question
bitch shut the fuck up and use another word that isn't the n word (I'm black) like you sound dumb as hell rn . "Ass pussy nga" what the fuck does that even mean
mangotea answered question about empty thoughts
Waterside night or whatever that fuck ass thing is called. I know there are worse manhwas out there but I'm specifically naming this one because this site is trying to force feed it down my throat. Everyone time I come to the homepage I just see it in recommended as if I want to fucking read that shit. and don't get me wrong I read 10 chapters and ......
mangotea answered question about question
this sounds like an exact situation I'm in except I'm still in the friend group and I'm low-key telling the person in your situation to report my friends and me atp for still being in this fuck ass friend group to any person they can.My advice here is low-key just snitch on their wack ass behaviour because they will get the most of the punishment h......
mangotea created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

no this cent be. the fuck do you mean *The End* what if I slap you on the top of your head. I rebuke this nonsense. I'll pay the author if I have to make side stories now

mangotea answered question about question
yes because why the fuck am I having pop quizzes in all of my subjects I picked, every week... and if we don't get a good grade we get detentions for not studying Just go to fucking college when they give you the chance six form is hell
mangotea answered question about question
rape is so glorified when it comes to queer relationships because the straight cis people have pushed this agenda onto us that two victims (mainly women I'm using here) can't rape one another. And two abusers (stereotype for men) could never non consensually overpower one another. This fuckass book, renowned by straight people as some of the best g......
mangotea created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

MC for the love of God stop being such a two faced bitch to taesan. He in every way has a woese life then you but you treat him like dogshit cause he took you crush? ridiculous

MC needs to actually take off and leave now before Ml tries to lock him away in a cage with the shitty excuse of "only I should be able to see you" or smth like that I don't want to give any shade but this is turning corny as hell.

mangotea answered question about question
don't really like the term yaoi and yuri but it's not even a debate which wlw and mlm couple was doomed when they first met. My queen why the fuck did Ymir have to die for god's sake till this day if I hear a single song from banana fish I can't breathe
mangotea answered question about question
A love triangle that's actually a lovely triangle and not two people falling for the same person, that's a love angle and if they don't end up in a poly relationship I'm not fucking sitting down and reading it.the only time I've seen it right was in a manhwa with an artsyle I fucking hated caused they all looked like kids to me
mangotea created a topic of Jinx

He looks ten years younger when he doesn't apply a jar of gel to style that ugly ass hairstyle he keep rocking. almost made me forget he likes beating up people

mangotea created a topic of The Hunter's one night

You give us good art but give us a plot so dog shit so ass cheeks so booty water that I'm left looking at shit like love is an illusion like it's the bible. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING GREAT.
The premise of awakening and shit was interesting all they had to do was make the MC like ml childhood best friend that took his place in the military because what his family died or smth and he wants to protect ml and his family.

Took me 20 seconds to write a better fucking plot

mangotea created a topic of The best luck of my life

completely forgot the premise of this manhwa was that the MC's boyfriend provides him will loads of luck. it's been a damn while since we've seen any of that luck?

my only question is I better not get any beastiality with the wolf guy because he was one step away from ruining my day?

mangotea answered question about question
the glorification of shitty bls and the blatant hatred towards gls idk. Like some People gloss over how shit like super lovers and yarichin bitch club were classified as "peak fiction" during 2020But keep those cute sparkly pfps I miss those
mangotea created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Like I don't give a fucking shit about the fact you had a bad childhood BITCH EVERYONE IN THIS MANHWA DID BUT ITS THE WAY HE TREATS MC THAT PISSES ME OFF. don't get me wrong MC attracts red flags like he's a magnet but at least they are presented as bad people who don't deserve you know the MC. But Tae seung either drugged the MC into believing what he's doing to him is normal or I didn't read this manhwa right because there is no way on gods green obesity filled earth I'm supposed to be rooting for these two. I CANT??? I JUST CANT?