2021-04-28 10:33 marked

The reason Claude is not waking up 'coz he's having a dream wherein Diana is with him and they are living happily (i think with Athy. I dunno) that's why he don't want to wake up causing his health to deteriorate (they also saud Claude might die because of it)
But Claude woke up coz Jeanette healed him. Jeanette has a magic on her body that can lifted Claude's curse, then whitey wanted Jeanette to kill Claude but instead of killing him, she (accidentally(?)) lifted his curse.
Claude thinks Jeanette is suspicious (ever since) that's why he don't want Athy to be friends with her. And when he woke up, Claude blamed Jeanette.
(I forgot the entire details, I'm sorry. But the spoilers said this is the ending or something)
2021-02-06 09:00 marked
Ngl this scene of cale is hot