Who is this new guy that always devoured by beauty? He looks like Jesus and since Jesus is a God, is it even possible?
Well the Roman's one is more logical. I've read somewhere that the Gods of Egypt also popular among Romans and they also worshipped them after the Romans conquer the Egypt.
But whatever it will be, they still should accept Jesus as their saviour. And this time don't let the Jesus died because of their mess.
I knew Ogawa chise is never gonna let me down
Nah~ It's OKUDA Waku. Her other's work.
The raws complete already. Jusy go myreadingmanga.info
Does myreadingmanga.info have virus??? Because when I open it here in Japan on my cp. something showed on screen that from my database I did something illegal, like phedophile etc. but I didn't do it. And now I can't use that cp. and scared to browse to myreadingmAnga. Sorry for poor English.
oooooooh damn, then Japan probably banned that site. Well the site has a lot of yaoi manga, mostly dounjishi. Although among them there are a few shota (ewww....>^<) mangas so maybe thats why the site is banned. And btw that message about you doing something illegal will be there regardless of which computer you use. Since its the IP adress they track and not the computer per se.
I love the memes