I just came back from my exam for rejuvenation and DAMN I WAS REJUVENATED. Well, it'd actually be much better if my pookie wookie sexy Dr. Kang would just come here and help me ease my pains. I was never one to beg, nor kneel for anything in my entire life but, for you, Dr. Kang, I will HOLEheartedly kneel and beg for you rn.

I take back everything bad I said abt this guy he was 13 FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS ALSO IN A CRITICAL CONDITION AND THAT'S WHAT THESE BITCHES DO TO HIM!?! my dear emperor I am so sorry that happened to you, both your mother and the woman who forced you to sleep with her while you were bedridden deserves to die in the most painful and disgusting way possible..
I love how everyone in the cm section was just like "Fuck! He's straight!" because like, honestly... SAME.