Judychan September 16, 2023 5:47 pm

If ML was going to be a thug with a thug the. He should’ve brought it to the mattresses and finish him. You don’t let a POS like that walk away with just stitches. At the bare minimum he should be comatose in the hospital for years so MC can have years to build his career where he’s a Teflon shield. Like what kind of lameness is this to drag out this storyline for more chapters. I’m so uninterested in this plot device. It takes away from the development of the MC and ML relationship

Judychan September 14, 2023 5:47 am

I hate this redemption arc storyline. The mudderfucker ML ruined the MC’s life all because he’s a self hating homophobe. I can overlook when he was young and being a dipshit but when he was an adult and he bullied and raped the MC, iwas like MC needs to wake up and smell the coffee so he can check out the ML’s life.

The ML literally stalked and tried to kidnap him to hold him as a sex partner and live in indenture servant.

I want the MC to go off with the new black hair dude just to spite ML. I can see the new black hair dude falling for him even as he’s having word vomit with the MC

Judychan September 14, 2023 3:13 am

Like what is this shit I just read that I want to gauge my eye out right now and bash my brain in so I can unsee and forget it all.

Like Zinchan, please stop uploading this shit when fans are happy with Icarus. We can wait as we all have other great translations of other mangas to read. We don’t need your crap where we want to blind ourselves and have a lobotomy

Judychan September 14, 2023 12:02 am

I’m liking how we have a monkey wrench thrown in so we don’t get a happily ever after just because they are dating. If we’re going to see the ex get his redemption arc then there has to be more that a drama free story for the main couple.

Also, it make the knowing each other childhood trope more interesting then what we usually see.

Judychan September 13, 2023 10:26 pm

…………….. Other man ———1st wife———Chairman———2nd wife…
……Mystery man —— Haeyong(mother)—step-siblings—Sooha(uncle)..
…………………………………………………… |……………………………..
………………………………………………….. Son…………………………..

Judychan September 13, 2023 10:20 pm

…………….. Other man ———1st wife———Chairman———2nd wife
……Mystery man —— Haeyong(mother)—step-siblings—Sooha(uncle)
…………………………………………………… |

Judychan September 13, 2023 10:17 pm

…………….. Other man ———1st wife———Chairman———2nd wife
……Mystery man —— Haeyong(mother)—step-siblings—Sooha(uncle)
……………………Haewon(nephew)———————————|……… |

Judychan September 13, 2023 7:23 pm

Trauma T-rauma TR-auma TRA-uma TRAU-ma TRAUM-aaaaah TRAUMAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Judychan September 13, 2023 12:36 am

At this point Jaekyung isn’t just a walking red flag. He doesn’t even realize he’s jealous so he punishes Doc Dan for his lack of EQ

At least Heesung would treat him like a prince and cater to his whims. Giving a little taste of romance and what it would feel like to feel cherished.

Neither one loves Doc Dan but only want to use his body for sex. At least Heesung isn’t making Doc Dan feel like he’s walking on eggshells all the time.

Dan had emotional trauma from his POS ex-boss how sexually harassed him. That trauma is amplified with what Jaekyung is doing. If Doc Dan can get a little bit of happiness with Heesung giving him a little bit of love and cherishing then maybe Doc Dan get get pass his trauma from both his POS ex-boss and Jaekyung SA/raping him.

Doc Dan needs to experience the difficulties to know what it is and what it isn’t. Even if Heesung breaks up with him. He would’ve experienced someone valuing him for a short time. Hey not all relationships are meant to be long term. Getting a little TLC is better than none.

Who knows, if Doc Dan leaves Jaekyung then the mudderfucker can actually grow a brain and a heart to realize he loves Doc Dan. I don’t want lazy writing from this author by not making Jaekyung suffer before he gets his redemption arc.

I don’t care if he is taking care of Doc Dan grandmother and allowing him to live together. Money means very little to Jaekyung since he has a lot of it. The medical bill would’ve barely made a dent on his bank account. He didn’t bat an eye when Dan asked for 5K to pay his bills. He wears willing to pay more. Don’t forget that Doc Dan is a physical therapist and JK is getting the benefits of not having his Jinx. As for living together. That’s a big house that Dan is barely occupying. Add to the convenience of having a sex partner at his beck and call even when he isn’t in a match is more of a win for Jk and a lost ofr Doc Dan.

Yup, I’ll take HS over JK any day of the week. Fuck JK because he’s unrecylable trash.

Judychan September 8, 2023 10:31 pm

Seriously, like WTF is going on in the author’s mind because first you lead me to liking the 2nd ML only to take a dump on him. Then it seems like first ML is getting a redemption arc only to have this shit happen. This is when the author does not have a clear point to the story and is just dragging on the manga to nowheresville to get the readers annoyed like me. I hope Sodom agrees to break up and goes find second ML with a happy ending. Eat crow first ML. You beat innocent Sodom only to breakup with him after making him his favorite food. This is some next level mind fuckery I cannot put up with. I hope first ML becomes as miserable as Sodom and readers after this breakup so I can have a good laugh at hthe misery of his own making. Ugh!!!!! I’m so annoyed now.

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