Judychan November 21, 2023 5:01 am

Wacko got someone whack! Oh!

Judychan November 18, 2023 2:35 pm

I really want all the angst of this push and pull when they make a season 2 of this. I might be in the minority who is eating up Sangwoo’s internal dialogue. I’m here for it.

    Ozunii November 18, 2023 2:58 pm

    There are only two episodes left i believe. So i dont think u will get that

    Judychan November 18, 2023 8:05 pm
    There are only two episodes left i believe. So i dont think u will get that Ozunii

    What do you mean? We had Semantic Error S1 with the promise of S2 when actor Park Seo Ham returns from his military service. What are the 2 episodes you’re talking about?

    Ozunii November 19, 2023 6:44 am
    What do you mean? We had Semantic Error S1 with the promise of S2 when actor Park Seo Ham returns from his military service. What are the 2 episodes you’re talking about? Judychan

    Well currently in the og. It ended w episode 93? I think. So thats why i believe the series will end then. But idk. I cant read korean and idk what you are talkin about. Im just pretty sure the main story is ending here. And maybe it might have side stories. But idk

    Judychan November 19, 2023 11:22 pm

    Ok. We’re talking about two different things. You’re talking about the manga and I am talking about the Korean series with actors Park Seo Ham and Park Jae Chang.

    Ozunii November 20, 2023 2:34 am
    Ok. We’re talking about two different things. You’re talking about the manga and I am talking about the Korean series with actors Park Seo Ham and Park Jae Chang. Judychan

    Ooooh!!! That makes sense haha

Judychan November 17, 2023 7:31 am

If you think it is weird that he shot up overnight to be grown to be weird then let me simply say this. He was a teenager who experienced puberty. Teenager girls get their periods and society deemed that as entering womanhood. In some places this means she’s marriageable as a young bride. It will be weird for western sensibilities and a lot of people are upset about it. Whereas, Hyo-un likes Taehyuk, a lot of child bride are grossed out because it might be an old fart who will demand she have sex with him as his bride. This is how I see it. Some child bride will fall for their husbands, So take this however you want. Is

    Aira1.6 November 17, 2023 8:30 am


    Killua November 17, 2023 8:52 am

    Meant to dislike this ignore that one extra like

    maxy_verstappen November 17, 2023 8:58 am
    Meant to dislike this ignore that one extra like Killua

    Same wth can’t unlike it

    Tsirin November 17, 2023 10:08 am

    Girl please don't associate this story with that ok. Those child brides in ancient ages when had to marry a man who was way too older than them just accepted their fate and went on like i guess he's an alright person ACCEPTED IT KINDA, if u put it like that it totally be sounding like some sort of Stockholm syndrome. Also mind this that hyo hun has never been a human, so these concepts shouldn't even be applied to him

    Judychan November 17, 2023 2:26 pm
    Girl please don't associate this story with that ok. Those child brides in ancient ages when had to marry a man who was way too older than them just accepted their fate and went on like i guess he's an alright ... Tsirin

    Exactly he is a mythical dragon, not an actual child. But if you read the comment section, people treat Hyo-un like he is a toddler who is going to be raped by Taehyuk any minute now. Not that he ran away awkwardly. TH was saying he expects HU to find a woman to marry one day. Doesn’t sound like he has any nefarious sexual desires for HU.

    As for his huge growth spurt overnight, do readers forget how puberty works. I remember it clearly. My muscle and bones hurt a lot with my growth spurt. Not to mention my chest hurting from boobs growing. Then I had period. My voice changed to be deeper. I started to look over in a span of a couple of year where I looked like a grown up. So it’s not jarring for a dragon to have this overnight.

    Judging from the comments, it seems like there are a lot of teenage girl here or there are a lot of shelter adults. Child brides are still a thing nowadays. There was a celebrity who was in his 50s who married a 16 year old girl. You can google itif you don’t believe me. The simple fact that you think it is “in ancient times” just shows me how ignorant you are. There is a whole topic in social media talking about grooming girls from old dudes you should check out if you are really this ignorant to the ways of the world. It always amazes me that people who read Yaoi think this is strictly fictional stuff when it is base on some sort of reality.

    But you keep believing that the world is all rainbows and sunshine.

    Judychan November 17, 2023 2:27 pm
    what Aira1.6

    Read below. Not retyping explanation again.

    Tsirin November 17, 2023 6:20 pm
    Exactly he is a mythical dragon, not an actual child. But if you read the comment section, people treat Hyo-un like he is a toddler who is going to be raped by Taehyuk any minute now. Not that he ran away awkwa... Judychan

    We refer to even the 10 years ago as ancient times ok. And grooming Ios far different from marriage, it's true grooming exists and everywhere it does but you referencing grooming with child marriage ain't so proper here. I'm not on the side of those who support the whole yaoi groomer genre and I know what happens here I've read spoilers. It's TH who pretty much gets raped by HU. And if you seriously take everything in yaoi which you have been warned about and then complain about it, it dosent make sense. As I said I don't support grooming and neither am I ignorant of it as I myself am a victim of SA by a much older man than me.

    Judychan November 17, 2023 11:12 pm
    We refer to even the 10 years ago as ancient times ok. And grooming Ios far different from marriage, it's true grooming exists and everywhere it does but you referencing grooming with child marriage ain't so pr... Tsirin

    Grooming doesn’t lead to marriage??? Look at Celine Dion. Stop talking nonsense. You’re stupidity is no wasting my time.

    Tsirin November 18, 2023 8:18 am
    Grooming doesn’t lead to marriage??? Look at Celine Dion. Stop talking nonsense. You’re stupidity is no wasting my time. Judychan

    Bruh you're so dumb to be looking at one person and making a wholeass generalization for that. Look at you being unable to understand another person's pov and statement.

    Judychan November 18, 2023 2:24 pm
    Bruh you're so dumb to be looking at one person and making a wholeass generalization for that. Look at you being unable to understand another person's pov and statement. Tsirin

    I have given two examples of celebrities to show you child brides and grooming still exists. Taylor Swift had said she was groomed. And you’re still being a stupid mofo and saying I’m generalizing because you’re so fucking narrow minded and do not know that child trafficking is still a real thing. It’s morons like you who are a waste of skin when presented with evidence that you will still deny it. For a dumb fuck like you, you need a million proofs to say oh yeah, it’s a problem. I realize a lot of Yaoi reader are operating with one brain cell but you have proven to me that you’re barely functioning on 1/2 a brain cell. I cannot help the truly brainless. I’m out. I don’t have this much time to waste on a waste of skin.

Judychan November 14, 2023 3:49 am

I don’t care if the crypt keeper is one foot into the grave. Or that his bodyguard can swap me like a fly. I will fly kick his other foot in and nunchuck his ass into the grave before I end up a splattered fly on the way. I’m willing to protect sweet Hansoo at all cost.

    hanakiss November 14, 2023 3:57 am


    Reina November 14, 2023 4:09 am

    CRYPT KEEPER I cant thats too funny

Judychan October 30, 2023 12:46 am

Honestly, this sucks ass now. I think the author lost the plot of the yaoi when Enrico showed up. Up until then I was still into this and with every chapter it’s adding more absurdity to it. Like Cheng was a mafia boss and now he’s a whipped husband, father, doormat, insert whatever _________.

Like the kids story is just annoying as all fuck because he’s basically physically abused husband and there is nothing cute about normalizing this.

I cannot ever begin to express my annoyance with whatever that shit is with the straight men shit. Like what the fuck is that turd that is wasting so much screen time of unnecessary scrolling.

There is nothing redeemable about this manga at this point. I’m checked out.

    Dan1904 October 30, 2023 1:15 pm

    I’m kinda with you not the abused husband part but the story was good like really really good both the MC had good character and the plot is interesting like everything is planned the mafia story and the love story before now it’s a whole mess I’m not sure of this but this manhwa is actually a novel maybe that’s why the chapters that’s is from the novel is good and this season is so bad

    and I don’t why they are trying to make cinian the boss he got him already warped around his finger from the start you don’t have to over do it like this to show us

    i miss those old moments

Judychan October 9, 2023 9:02 pm

Any teacher that slaps a student like that needs his dick to be fillet. Parochial and corporal school abuse has been made illegal since the 70s in the US. Is this still allow in Asian counties? What about globally in other countries. That teacher definitely needs to be jailed.

Judychan October 3, 2023 6:57 am

I just knew the sister was involved somehow with the bet. I hate that I was proven right.

The manager not being gay better not turn gay all of a sudden. The ex should go live his best life with his only skill. I mean he is loaded and seems to like having sex as it’s his only special skill. I think he should embrace he ho life. Nothing stopping him as an independent rich young gay man.

At this point, I want the best friend to dump the wife after he finds out what his wife did to his best friend. I hope he gets custody of the baby and raises it with Jitae. That would be a happy ending for me.

Judychan September 26, 2023 10:52 pm

Why am I so opposite me when it comes to my manga tastes. I’m strictly in non kids zone IRL but I’m so soft for yaoi and shounen ai with babies and kids. Is it because I want to see men shackle with babies like the way women are. No escape life sentences. It’s so cute though how men are good dads or have baby fever. The cutest fucking shit but sadly fictional.

Judychan September 25, 2023 10:09 pm

If you’re confused, just know everything that is laid out are breadcrumbs now. Please just pay attention to everything that is happening since Taemin and Jay have became intimate with each other. Everything that looks like it a hot mess or not making sense will. Please be patient. I mean this is a slow burn manga. Look at how many chapters it took to have Taemin realize Jay is Director Yoon. If you hate slow burn stories or a story that requires you to think about things then maybe you should put this on hold or drop it. Not everything is laid out immediately but it all ties in very well. Yes, there are 3 novels for this manga. Unfortunately, my translated copy from Wattpad has been deleted but someone shared the link a couple of weeks back if you want to read it. Anyway, like one of the commentators said, they took out the really disgusting part of what President Kim did with Mungshit. Mungshit is really a disgusting being. Like I want to run an 18 wheeler over him and then reverse just for good measure for all the ugly shit he did to trainees and what not. I’m not going to spoil the ending so you’ll just have to wait and enjoy this manga. It is by far one of the best manga I have read that was adopted from a novel. The art is beautiful. The comedy is good.

    Lotto September 25, 2023 10:39 pm

    Dang, this is a softer version of him. I already don't like him, but he's worst in the novels. Wow.

    GakuEN September 25, 2023 11:23 pm

    can i have the link for the novel? thank you

Judychan September 25, 2023 9:26 pm

Imagine if this was made into a KBL with 16 one hour long episodes. If they cast someone with equal gravitas as the actors who did Devil Judge but looks lore in line with the manga art, you know we could give Semantic Errors a run for its money. Just imagine more age appropriate KBL actors who we all know would have better visuals than Thai actors. They certainly would have better acting skills for sure. I mean we can have something like the age difference of what we saw in Unintentional Love Story. I really need better BLs than what is out on rotation this year in KBL compare to previous years.

    Kuru-Chan September 26, 2023 6:56 am

    Err I find ur comment on the Thai BL actors having worse visuals a bit weird, hope it wasn't a racist intent and I'm just looking too much into it

    Judychan September 26, 2023 8:22 am
    Err I find ur comment on the Thai BL actors having worse visuals a bit weird, hope it wasn't a racist intent and I'm just looking too much into it Kuru-Chan

    You’re clearly making up shit and looking for beef. Where did I say Thai actors had the worst visuals? Get a fucking reality check. You clearly have low comprehension skills to pull this the racist card out of your ass. And I mean this in the sincerest way. Fuck off.

    Kuru-Chan September 26, 2023 9:29 am
    You’re clearly making up shit and looking for beef. Where did I say Thai actors had the worst visuals? Get a fucking reality check. You clearly have low comprehension skills to pull this the racist card out o... Judychan

    Bro why u getting so triggered when I asked so politely? The way u took this so personally is only making u look worse. Also, I didn't say u said thai actors had the worst visuals. I said u said they has "WORSE" visuals. You're the one who is illiterate when u can't tell the difference between 'worst' and 'worse'

    Kuru-Chan September 26, 2023 9:31 am
    Bro why u getting so triggered when I asked so politely? The way u took this so personally is only making u look worse. Also, I didn't say u said thai actors had the worst visuals. I said u said they has "WORSE... Kuru-Chan


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