nicknamebulmayauğraşamam like the answer
If you ever see me with a husband or biological kids deduct 1million aura points from me
nicknamebulmayauğraşamam like the answer
People who say the holocaust and apartheid SA was bad only to then proceed to support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians are so fucking pathetic *cough *cough, USA and Zionists. Cuz if you support Zionism u might as well support colonialism, the holocaust, invasion of Ukraine etc
nicknamebulmayauğraşamam like the answer
*pulls out a whiteboard* ok so. - love triangles in general. they always make one the bad boy and the other the sweet guy who looks after MC. plus 9 times out of 10 the MC will choose the toxic ML over the green flag ML which is so fucking stupid. - MEAN SEMES. like every new popular story always has a toxic ass seme and an easily manipulated u......
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I jus finished watchin hannibal, im a lil obsessed rn
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Every picture of my cats seem like a masterpiece to me
nicknamebulmayauğraşamam like the answer
here's a few pics I've taken that I like also stray puppies:)